The book offóftfits readers sérftje yfFy diverse imagesofSlovenia, as createa by 31 well-known Slovéínan pfetd^aphers, their common denominator being their passión for the beauties of their homeland or, to be more precise, the ioyalty of their thoughts and feelings to the environment in which they live. As they come from virtually all parts of the country, the photomonograph presents Slovenia with the cultural and landscape diversities of its ^ Primorska, Notranjska, Dolenjska, Gorenjska, jJ Stajerska, Koroska and Prekmurje régions, witjif sensitively caught panoramic views, from its J^M gate to the Mediterranean through the eastfH Aipine chains down to the plains, from wht^^HG Pannonian Sea ran off in prehistory. The Slovenia's identity card are, on the one hancf^j fresh. The birth date of its sovereign statehood is June 25th, 1991, the date of its integration infél j the European Union May 1st, 2004. On the otfcer ; hand, they reflect its relative smailness: 20,25o^ square...
The book offóftfits readers sérftje yfFy diverse imagesofSlovenia, as createa by 31 well-known Slovéínan pfetd^aphers, their common denominator being their passión for the beauties of their homeland or, to be more precise, the ioyalty of their thoughts and feelings to the environment in which they live. As they come from virtually all parts of the country, the photomonograph presents Slovenia with the cultural and landscape diversities of its ^ Primorska, Notranjska, Dolenjska, Gorenjska, jJ Stajerska, Koroska and Prekmurje régions, witjif sensitively caught panoramic views, from its J^M gate to the Mediterranean through the eastfH Aipine chains down to the plains, from wht^^HG Pannonian Sea ran off in prehistory. The Slovenia's identity card are, on the one hancf^j fresh. The birth date of its sovereign statehood is June 25th, 1991, the date of its integration infél j the European Union May 1st, 2004. On the otfcer ; hand, they reflect its relative smailness: 20,25o^ square kilometres surface area and 1,989,000 inhabitants counted during the last census in H 2002. Ljubljana, its capital, numbers 260.000 souls. The Slovenians, however, live in further 5,988 towns and villages, which confirms their aspiration for polycentric development. They inhabit the predominantly hilly country, whose surface is across its good half covered with forests and across its quárter with grasslands and fields. Owing to its central position between the four geographic structures of Central Europe - the Eastern Alps, the northernmost gulf of the Mediterranean, the eastern margins of the Pannonian Plain, and the western part of the Dinarides - Slovenia acquired the characteristics of the Alpine, Mediterranean and continental dimates. In geological history of the present Slovenian territory, this mixture has created a highly diverse and beautiful landscape, which is still endowed with a profusion of healthy air and pure waters. To these natural riches, the numerous generations of the Slovene people have added a rich cultural image, which can now be seen particularly in agrarian environments, evenly coloured across the entire country, and in the settings of the old úrban centres. The historical and geographical characteristics have divided the Slovenian people into four basic national types that distinguish themselves - each in their own way - by their dialects, originál customs and unique natural dispositions, which jointly provide for a rich folk tradítion and a high cultural status of the present nation-state. Through history, this uniqueness - accompanied by the country's exceptional biodiversity - has created a favourable groundwork for a vitai orientation of the nation in time and space and for its European civilisation. Slovenia the Beauty of Europe Cena 55 € 9789619128060