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World Class - Level 2 - Activity Book

Tevékenység könyv

Kiadó: English Language Book Society-Longman Group Ltd
Kiadás helye: Harlow
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Tűzött kötés
Oldalszám: 63 oldal
Sorozatcím: World Class
Kötetszám: 2
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 26 cm x 19 cm
ISBN: 0-582-05325-0
Megjegyzés: További grafikusok a kötetben. Fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
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A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


LEARNING TO LEARN L___ Fatima started learning English three years ago and she hasthreeEnglishlessons aweek. She thinks English is important for wórkTbecause she v^ntstobe abusinesswoman.... Tovább


LEARNING TO LEARN L___ Fatima started learning English three years ago and she hasthreeEnglishlessons aweek. She thinks English is important for wórkTbecause she v^ntstobe abusinesswoman. Fatimalikes reading simplified books'in English, which her teacher gwes hér. She writes down the important new words in her vocabulary book. She gets good marks for grammar and writing. but she has problems wrth speaking, especially pronunciation."

Shífive fc^ English two year, ago. fort^Tk , 6 1hrt® EnS,lsh is important gtogI because he wants to travel ar^lhe ' oon m ü andAmerican SatXWatíÍng ^ English on Sate rte telev.s.on. He gets good mari<s for speaking and listening. but he has problems wrth grammar and writing. E ? ? ? ? ? True or Falsé? Read about Fatima and Jean-Paul. 1 Fatima started learning English two years ago. 2 Fatima's teacher gives her books to read. 3 She has problems with grammar and writing. 4 Jean-Paul has five English lessons a week. 5 He thinks English is important for travel. 6 He has problems with speaking and listening. B Write about your English. I started learning English years ag0' have English lessons a yeek. I think English is important for 1 «et &000 marks for and but I have problems with Find out about the grammar and vocabulary in this Activity Book. Write down the page numbers for the things below. Use the Contents pages in your Students' Book to help you. 1 Test yourself for modulé three, Stories. c? 2 The Useftil vocabulary for modulé one, Animals. 3 Episode two of the story Robot rebellion. 4 The Remember! box about times. 5 The Remember! box about made of. 6 The Usefiil vocabulary for modulé six, Robots. 7 The Language practice about can. 8 Test yourself for modulé five, Food. 9 The Remember! box about numbers. 10 The Language practice about will. 11 The Remember! box about will be able to. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Complete the vocabulary network. 1 Vissza
Megvásárolható példányok
World Class - Level 2 - Activity Book World Class - Level 2 - Activity Book World Class - Level 2 - Activity Book World Class - Level 2 - Activity Book World Class - Level 2 - Activity Book

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