
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

A kosaram
5000 Ft
a(z) 5000Ft-os

World Architecture

An illustrated history - Ancient and classical, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Islamic, Medieval, Renaissance, Modern


Kiadó: The Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd.
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 348 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 35 cm x 26 cm
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal, reprodukciókkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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1026 black and white illusírations and 32 pages of colour plates The history of architecture is the history of mankind. Each culture produccs new versions of the house of God, the house of man, and the house of the dead. In their outward form, these structurcs express and project the deepest feelings and highest aspirations of mankind. Although architecture by itself lacks the subject matter of painting or sculpture, it is often able to teli us far morc about how peoplc worshipped, lived, loved, and died-what they glorified, and what they feared. From the forbidding shrinc of an Egyptian templc to the soaring vaults of a Gothic cathedral- from the simple circular hut of a ncolithic settlement to the mcchanised complexity of a Le Corbusier housing project, the story of architecture is here unfolded in its brilliantly imaginative conception and its masterly execution. From many of the epochs of man's history nothing has survived but a few fragments of his buildings; from these slender... Tovább


1026 black and white illusírations and 32 pages of colour plates The history of architecture is the history of mankind. Each culture produccs new versions of the house of God, the house of man, and the house of the dead. In their outward form, these structurcs express and project the deepest feelings and highest aspirations of mankind. Although architecture by itself lacks the subject matter of painting or sculpture, it is often able to teli us far morc about how peoplc worshipped, lived, loved, and died-what they glorified, and what they feared. From the forbidding shrinc of an Egyptian templc to the soaring vaults of a Gothic cathedral- from the simple circular hut of a ncolithic settlement to the mcchanised complexity of a Le Corbusier housing project, the story of architecture is here unfolded in its brilliantly imaginative conception and its masterly execution. From many of the epochs of man's history nothing has survived but a few fragments of his buildings; from these slender clues we piece together the appearance and purposes of somé of the great cultural achievements of all time. WORLD ARCHITECTURE provides a full-scale authoritative text, divided into nine sections: Introduction, in which the meaning of architecture in its long continuous tradition is clearly and succinctly presented; Ancient and Classical, which extends from the neolithic to the superb classical architecture of Greece and Romé; Chinese, a clear exposition of the method and development of building in ancient and modern China; Japanese, a survey of domestic and religious architecture in relation to the country's tumultuous but isolated history; Indián, which deseribes and clarifies the main forms of Hindu shrines and temples; Islamic, a history of Moslem architecture in Egypt, North Africa, Spain, Persia, Turkey and India; Medieval, which covers Early Christian, Byzantine, Russian, Romanesque and Gothic in Europc; Renaissance, Europe from the fiftecnth to eightecnth centuries; and finally Modern, a full survey of architecture in Europe, America and elsewhcrc during the ninectenth and twenticth centuries. There are short sections on Pre-Columbian America and on primitive dwcllings today, and a comprchensive glossary of architectural terms. Now reprinted and rcvised, WORLD ARCHITECTURE is completely up to date, presenting the work of Aalto, Saarinen, Kahn, Rudolph, Smithson, Stirling and Gowan and many others, whose exeiting innovations are fully illustratcd and discusscd. Vissza


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