
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

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With Thanks & Appreciation

The Sweet Nellie Book of Thoughts, Sentiments, Tokens & Traditions of the Past


Kiadó: Viking Studio Books
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Kötés típusa: Varrott keménykötés
Oldalszám: 54 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 14 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 0-670-82521-2
Megjegyzés: Színes illusztrációkat tartalmaz.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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his little took, witk all tke prose Its vanea page imparts, I JeJicate to gentle eyes And sympatkising kearts. Tken all wko kring tkeir smile or tear Aiay tearless drop tke gem For commonsense skall ne re come kere To praise tkem or condemn.
itk ThanJiS Appréciation gatkers togetker dozens of cliarming and keartfelt expressions of gratitude dating from tke nineteentk and early twentietk centuries, a time wken gracious and utterly correct kekavior was in its keyday. Pleasant customs suck as tke leaving of elakorately decorated calling cards, tke autograpking of Ldies alkums, and tke writing of effusive kread-and-kutter notes kave, unfortunately, gone tke way of kigk-kutton skoes. But Pat Ross krings tkem all kack to colorful life in tkis kook, an komage to tke elegant traditions of tke past, wken special sentiments were tkougktfully given and received. Illustrated witk artwork from antique calling cards, vintage wallpaper, emkroidered kookmarks, and otker decorative... Tovább


his little took, witk all tke prose Its vanea page imparts, I JeJicate to gentle eyes And sympatkising kearts. Tken all wko kring tkeir smile or tear Aiay tearless drop tke gem For commonsense skall ne re come kere To praise tkem or condemn.
itk ThanJiS Appréciation gatkers togetker dozens of cliarming and keartfelt expressions of gratitude dating from tke nineteentk and early twentietk centuries, a time wken gracious and utterly correct kekavior was in its keyday. Pleasant customs suck as tke leaving of elakorately decorated calling cards, tke autograpking of Ldies alkums, and tke writing of effusive kread-and-kutter notes kave, unfortunately, gone tke way of kigk-kutton skoes. But Pat Ross krings tkem all kack to colorful life in tkis kook, an komage to tke elegant traditions of tke past, wken special sentiments were tkougktfully given and received. Illustrated witk artwork from antique calling cards, vintage wallpaper, emkroidered kookmarks, and otker decorative emkel-liskments, tkis kook, wkick includes its own mailing envelope, is tke perfect way for today's well-wisker to say tkank you to family, friends, and colleagues on any occasion tkat calL for old-Lskioned kindness and good
manners. Vissza

Pat Ross

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With Thanks & Appreciation With Thanks & Appreciation With Thanks & Appreciation With Thanks & Appreciation With Thanks & Appreciation

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