Education in Physics
Proceedings of the International Conference
on Physics Education, UNESCO HOUSE, Paris,
Edited by
Sanborn C. Brown and Norman Clarke
What are acceptable modern standards of instruction in physics?
In August, 1960, 86 physicists from 32 nations met at the UNESCO
HOUSE in Paris to discuss individual viewpoints and draft resolutions to
represent universal thought on this subject.
The speeches, papers, discussions, exhibits, and motion pictures at the
Conference mirrored the breadth and contrasts of contemporary physics
instruction, vitally important to both scientifically advanced and scientifically
underdeveloped nations.
Speeches on methods ranged in subject matter from individual teacher-
student relations to nationally televised lectures ; from preparation for the
specialist to techniques for informing the general public ; from revision of
the traditional curriculum to provision of research facilities for teachers.
Education in Physics
Proceedings of the International Conference
on Physics Education, UNESCO HOUSE, Paris,
Edited by
Sanborn C. Brown and Norman Clarke
What are acceptable modern standards of instruction in physics?
In August, 1960, 86 physicists from 32 nations met at the UNESCO
HOUSE in Paris to discuss individual viewpoints and draft resolutions to
represent universal thought on this subject.
The speeches, papers, discussions, exhibits, and motion pictures at the
Conference mirrored the breadth and contrasts of contemporary physics
instruction, vitally important to both scientifically advanced and scientifically
underdeveloped nations.
Speeches on methods ranged in subject matter from individual teacher-
student relations to nationally televised lectures ; from preparation for the
specialist to techniques for informing the general public ; from revision of
the traditional curriculum to provision of research facilities for teachers.
These suggestions and reports from around the world, presented in
this book, will be helpful to all educators, and particularly to those with
responsibility for training physicists. Its chapters deal with matters such
as testing, selection of students, training of teachers, the use of audio-visual
aids, and activities of professional organizations.
1960, 6i/8 x 914, xvi + 191 pp., illus.