jjjHj^SH Matthias Rath, M.D., a world-renowned physician and H^HIra scientist, is known for his pioneering research in natural and j m^^^^M cellular health. This book summarizes his breakthrough j W discoveries in cardiovascular disease, which lay the ground I
I'liil^^l i^oclern understanding of this disease, thus, eventu-|
I ^B^^K leading to its eradication.
Two-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, a long-time colleague and frierld of Dr. Rath stated shortly before his death in 1994: "Dr. Rath's discoveries , are so important for millions of people that they threaten entire industries."
This book answers some of the largest unsolved puzzles of cardiology: '
• Why we get heart attacks but not nose attacks?
• Why we get arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
but not venosclerosis (deposits in the veins)? i
• Why we get heart attacks, but animals don't? ;
^addition, this book provides you with our modern understanding of the ; tri^ causes of arteriosclerosis, the...
jjjHj^SH Matthias Rath, M.D., a world-renowned physician and H^HIra scientist, is known for his pioneering research in natural and j m^^^^M cellular health. This book summarizes his breakthrough j W discoveries in cardiovascular disease, which lay the ground I
I'liil^^l i^oclern understanding of this disease, thus, eventu-|
I ^B^^K leading to its eradication.
Two-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling, a long-time colleague and frierld of Dr. Rath stated shortly before his death in 1994: "Dr. Rath's discoveries , are so important for millions of people that they threaten entire industries."
This book answers some of the largest unsolved puzzles of cardiology: '
• Why we get heart attacks but not nose attacks?
• Why we get arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
but not venosclerosis (deposits in the veins)? i
• Why we get heart attacks, but animals don't? ;
^addition, this book provides you with our modern understanding of the ; tri^ causes of arteriosclerosis, the underlying cause of heart attacks and ; strikes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, irregular heartbeat j
(ar/ythmia), heart failure, diabetic circulatory problems and much more. i
By reading this book, you will make an invaluable contribution to your own j health and longevity. By recommending this book to your family and friends,! you will make an important contribution to improve their health and the health of your entire community.