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Just like Harry Truman, the Ragin' Cajun gives 'em heil. James Carville wants to put Democrats back on the offensive. Carville, chief strategist of Bill Clinton's 1992 War Room, is out to break the GOP's Contract with America.
In We're Right^They're Wrong, Carville serves up a sassy, no-holds-barred response to the right-wing myths spewirtg out of Congress and pollut-ing the AM airwaves.; Carville rips apart Republican bluster and extremist programs and offers smart, compassionate, no-nonsense alternatives:Tired of getting browbeaten at neighborhpod barbecues and school board meetings? We're Right, They're Wrong gets progressives off their heels and back on the attack.
With Carville's trademark wit, politicai savvy, and Street smarts, We're Right, They're Wrong is a broadside for our tim.es, the most provocative book of the 1996 campaign season.
James Carville, a founder of the Consulting.firm Carville & Begala, is an adviser to President Clinton. He is...
¦i Wte
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Just like Harry Truman, the Ragin' Cajun gives 'em heil. James Carville wants to put Democrats back on the offensive. Carville, chief strategist of Bill Clinton's 1992 War Room, is out to break the GOP's Contract with America.
In We're Right^They're Wrong, Carville serves up a sassy, no-holds-barred response to the right-wing myths spewirtg out of Congress and pollut-ing the AM airwaves.; Carville rips apart Republican bluster and extremist programs and offers smart, compassionate, no-nonsense alternatives:Tired of getting browbeaten at neighborhpod barbecues and school board meetings? We're Right, They're Wrong gets progressives off their heels and back on the attack.
With Carville's trademark wit, politicai savvy, and Street smarts, We're Right, They're Wrong is a broadside for our tim.es, the most provocative book of the 1996 campaign season.
James Carville, a founder of the Consulting.firm Carville & Begala, is an adviser to President Clinton. He is theVdo-author, with his wife, Mary Matalin, of All's Fair: Love, War, and Running for President. The couple live in yirginia with their daughter, Matty.
Cover design: Andy Carpenter
Cover photo: Kelly Campbell ¦HfflBHRIRH
Random House, Inc. ^Hl III I III I III III II 11 II II
New York, N.Y. 10022
frinted in U.S. A. 2/96___ SII II