Young people learn more effectively if they are
happy and feel supported in school. Building
resilience and emotional well-being is crucial to
their school progress and their success in life.
- Dept of Education and Skills
The Ways to Well-Being workbook is designed to help young people,
aged 15-18 years, explore how to maintain their own sense of
well-being, leading to improved academic outcomes in school and a sense
of accomplishment in life.
The aim of this workbook is to explore with young people some of the key
themes associated with well-being, empowering each of them to become
the person they are meant to be.
The workbook is designed around five core areas, each exploring the
various relationships young people have in their lives. These five areas are
their relationship with:
Mindset, meaning and purpose
Past, present and future
Personality, talent and performance.
Each chapter has a mixture of information points, reflective pieces,...
Young people learn more effectively if they are
happy and feel supported in school. Building
resilience and emotional well-being is crucial to
their school progress and their success in life.
- Dept of Education and Skills
The Ways to Well-Being workbook is designed to help young people,
aged 15-18 years, explore how to maintain their own sense of
well-being, leading to improved academic outcomes in school and a sense
of accomplishment in life.
The aim of this workbook is to explore with young people some of the key
themes associated with well-being, empowering each of them to become
the person they are meant to be.
The workbook is designed around five core areas, each exploring the
various relationships young people have in their lives. These five areas are
their relationship with:
Mindset, meaning and purpose
Past, present and future
Personality, talent and performance.
Each chapter has a mixture of information points, reflective pieces, advice
and interactive exercises, where the young person is given the opportunity
to reflect on and record the key learnings for themselves.
The author has brought the wisdom of psychology,
the natural sciences, literature and spirituality to the
area of well-being in a way that is fresh, relevant
and accessible.
- Brian Flannery, Jesuit Delegate for Education