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Vital Signs 2005

The Trends That Are Shaping Our Future


Kiadó: W. W. Norton&Company
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 139 oldal
Sorozatcím: Vital Signs
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 18 cm
ISBN: 0-393-32689-6
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér ábrákkal, fotókkal. További szerzők a könyvben.
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IENCE/ENVIRONMENT VITAL SIGNS 2005 From shrinking forests to rising prosperity in China, Vitai Signs 2005 documents the trends that are shaping our future in concise analyses and clear tables and graphs. This thirteenth volume of the Worldwatch Institute series finds that true global progress cannot be achieved as long as the world's spending priorities are directed toward narrow economic and military goals at the expense of humán development and environmental protection. • Nearly one in four mammal species is in serious decline-including half of all wild cat and bear species, four of five rhinoceros species, both elephant species, and all great apes. • World oil use surged by 3.4 percent in 2004-the fastest rate of increase in 16 years. China alone increased its consumption by 11 percent, to 6.6 millión barrels per day, making it the world's number-two oil user after the United States. Viíal Signs 2005 alsó highlights areas of progress toward ecologically sustainable development... Tovább


IENCE/ENVIRONMENT VITAL SIGNS 2005 From shrinking forests to rising prosperity in China, Vitai Signs 2005 documents the trends that are shaping our future in concise analyses and clear tables and graphs. This thirteenth volume of the Worldwatch Institute series finds that true global progress cannot be achieved as long as the world's spending priorities are directed toward narrow economic and military goals at the expense of humán development and environmental protection. • Nearly one in four mammal species is in serious decline-including half of all wild cat and bear species, four of five rhinoceros species, both elephant species, and all great apes. • World oil use surged by 3.4 percent in 2004-the fastest rate of increase in 16 years. China alone increased its consumption by 11 percent, to 6.6 millión barrels per day, making it the world's number-two oil user after the United States. Viíal Signs 2005 alsó highlights areas of progress toward ecologically sustainable development and a more equitable distribution of resources and opportunities. "A key source of hard facts on global trends." - Booklist, boxed review "This is a book of clear analysis and possible solutions." - KlausTöpfer, Executive Director, U.N. Environment Programme "The most straightforward and reliable environmental, economic, and social information available on the entire planet Earth." - Michael Pastore, Editorial Director, ePublishers Weekly "Its cool appraisal of our planet makes all other works of reference look trivial." ISBN 0-393-32689-6 - The Guardian [London] ON THE COVER: Seventy-five percent ofthe arid country of Tunisia is now under the threat of desertification, facing widespread deterioration of its soil and plánt cover. At the root of the problem are overgrazing, cultivation of natural grazing lands, loss of woody plánt species, and poor irrigation and drainage practices-all exacerbated by rapid population growth and úrban expansion. Toslowthe effects, the country has embarked on reforestation, water and soil conservation, and the construction of anti-erosion works on valley slopes. Photo taken by Space Imaging's IKONOS satellite on June 20,2000. © spaceimaging.com. 9780393326895 Vissza


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