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Verbal and Numerical Reasoning MCQ for the European Institutions' Competitions

Methodology and 150 Questions with Answers

Kiadó: ORSEU
Kiadás helye: Brüsszel
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 276 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 2-9521629-0-5
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér ábrákkal.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


Each year, the European institutions select by competition hundreds of officials in many fields: auditing, humán resources, secretariat, etc. The competitions for the European Institutions are particularly selective. They rely on the generál knowledge of the candidates as well as their analysis, synthesis and drafting abilities. Only the very best succeed. This book is aimed at all the candidates for the European Institutions' competitions (A, B and C competitions) who wish to prepare well for the verbal and numerical reasoning MCQ and thus to pass the test. This test is proba.bly the most selective one. Each question consists of a text and four statements. The candidate has to select the one that can best be deduced from the text in about one minute. It is thus, above all, a test of speed and logic. To pass the test, the candidate needs a good methodology and practice. This book offers both. It includes a methodology and 150 questions with answers. It enables you to define a... Tovább


Each year, the European institutions select by competition hundreds of officials in many fields: auditing, humán resources, secretariat, etc. The competitions for the European Institutions are particularly selective. They rely on the generál knowledge of the candidates as well as their analysis, synthesis and drafting abilities. Only the very best succeed. This book is aimed at all the candidates for the European Institutions' competitions (A, B and C competitions) who wish to prepare well for the verbal and numerical reasoning MCQ and thus to pass the test. This test is proba.bly the most selective one. Each question consists of a text and four statements. The candidate has to select the one that can best be deduced from the text in about one minute. It is thus, above all, a test of speed and logic. To pass the test, the candidate needs a good methodology and practice. This book offers both. It includes a methodology and 150 questions with answers. It enables you to define a strategy (should I start by reading the text or the statements? Should I verify all'the statements?), manage your time, avoid logical mistakes and master the basic principles of mathematics... All our questions are based on tests taken from the most recent competitions. Only the best prepared will succeed. Over the past seven years, ORSEU has prepared several hundred candidates for the European Institutions' competitions in collaboration with Union Syndicale (the main European officials' trade unión): internál competitions for promotion to the next category (A, B and C), employment of temporary staff and open competitions. ORSEU prepares the candidates for the main stages of the European Institutions' competitions: pre-selection tests (MCQ) and written tests. N° ISBN : 2-9521629-0-5 Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
Verbal and Numerical Reasoning MCQ for the European Institutions' Competitions Verbal and Numerical Reasoning MCQ for the European Institutions' Competitions Verbal and Numerical Reasoning MCQ for the European Institutions' Competitions Verbal and Numerical Reasoning MCQ for the European Institutions' Competitions

A borító és a lapélek enyhén foltosak.

4.360 Ft
2.180 ,-Ft 50
17 pont kapható