USA $12.00/Can $19.95
The Ali Time Pop Culture Classic!
red or black; capsules or tablets; washed down with vodka or swallowed straight - for Anrie, Neely, and Jennifer, it doesn't malter, as long as the pill bottle is within easy reach. These three women become best friends when they are young and struggling in New York City and then climb to the top of die entertainment industry— only to find that there's no place left to go but down—into the Valley ofthe Dolls.
"DECADES AHEAD OF ITS TIME . . . Mesmerizing
. . . The equation of emotional dependencies with drug addiction in one com-prehensive personality disorder is, if anything, MORE CHIC TODAY than in Susann's time; alsó prescient is the book's protofeminism."
-MIM UDOVITCH, TheVillageVoiceLiterarjSupplement
"I couldn't believe these weren't real girls because I know them. MADDENINGLY SEXY. I wish I had written it." - HELEN GURLEY BROWN
"Magnetic . . . [Susannj's a natural storyteller. . . . Valley is the kind...
USA $12.00/Can $19.95
The Ali Time Pop Culture Classic!
red or black; capsules or tablets; washed down with vodka or swallowed straight - for Anrie, Neely, and Jennifer, it doesn't malter, as long as the pill bottle is within easy reach. These three women become best friends when they are young and struggling in New York City and then climb to the top of die entertainment industry— only to find that there's no place left to go but down—into the Valley ofthe Dolls.
"DECADES AHEAD OF ITS TIME . . . Mesmerizing
. . . The equation of emotional dependencies with drug addiction in one com-prehensive personality disorder is, if anything, MORE CHIC TODAY than in Susann's time; alsó prescient is the book's protofeminism."
-MIM UDOVITCH, TheVillageVoiceLiterarjSupplement
"I couldn't believe these weren't real girls because I know them. MADDENINGLY SEXY. I wish I had written it." - HELEN GURLEY BROWN
"Magnetic . . . [Susannj's a natural storyteller. . . . Valley is the kind of book that most of its readers CANNOT PUT DOWN." -NÓRA EPHRON
"Jackie, it seemed, understood by instinct that her readers were ready for the RAW SIDE OF LŐVE . . . for a franker sexualily and a tougher kind of story-for románcé with tears andoral sex." MICHAEL KORDA, TheNewYorker
"One of the SEXIEST NOVELS ever written."
JACQUELINE SUSANN left her hometown of Philadelphia at eighteen and moved to New York, where she acted exten-sively and won the Best Dressed Woman inTelevision award four times. But it was the success of her three blockbuster novels — Valley oflhe Dolls, TheLoveMachine, and OnceisNot Enough — that transformed her into the Pucci-clad média superstar we remember today. Jacqueline Susann was mar-ried to producer Irving Mansfield. She died in 1974.