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Thriving on Chaos

Handbook for a Management Revolution


Kiadó: HarperPerennial
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 708 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 14 cm
ISBN: 0-06-097184-3
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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Acclaim lor the latest bestseller by Tom Peters, coauthor of
In Search ofixcellente and A Passion for Cxce/Zence —a true handbook to guide managers through the turbulent markets and economic climates of our time:
" Thriving on Chaos Is a real winner! Not only should every business executive study it, but all the business schools can use Thriving on Chaos as their final-year textbook."
—Robert Townsend, oufhor of further Up Hie Organixation
"Chaos is a provocative and worthwhile book, loaded with sound advice on how to manage our institutions in a world in which the old ways do not seem to work."
—Across the Board ^
"I like this book, which I think is largely correct, and I like Mr. Peters, who is an enthusiast, a
storyteller and a lover of capitalism____Mr. Peters is saying that effective management is
management that delivers more value to customers and more opportunity for service, creativity and growth to workers. He is saying that the decent thing to do is... Tovább


Acclaim lor the latest bestseller by Tom Peters, coauthor of
In Search ofixcellente and A Passion for Cxce/Zence —a true handbook to guide managers through the turbulent markets and economic climates of our time:
" Thriving on Chaos Is a real winner! Not only should every business executive study it, but all the business schools can use Thriving on Chaos as their final-year textbook."
—Robert Townsend, oufhor of further Up Hie Organixation
"Chaos is a provocative and worthwhile book, loaded with sound advice on how to manage our institutions in a world in which the old ways do not seem to work."
—Across the Board ^
"I like this book, which I think is largely correct, and I like Mr. Peters, who is an enthusiast, a
storyteller and a lover of capitalism____Mr. Peters is saying that effective management is
management that delivers more value to customers and more opportunity for service, creativity and growth to workers. He is saying that the decent thing to do is also the smart and effective thing, and he backs this assertion up with dozens of examples and studies. It's a wonderful message."
—Paul H. Weaver, Wall Street Journal
"What he offers are suggestions which almost any business,of any size, in any industry can
put to work for the betterment of any market position now enjoyed____Make it your one
New Year's resolution, even if It's the only one, to get a copy of this book, and to read and act on it in ways that apply to your business."
—Stan Stephenson, Chilton's Motor/Age
"This powerful treatment of the issues surrounding industry's need for change and innovation presents a wealth of examples and viewpoints at a pace that should stir many
management readers to action____From yesterday's viewpoint, it may look like chaos.
From tomorrow's, it may be the only route to survival."
—Industry Week Vissza



Tom Peters

Tom Peters műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Tom Peters könyvek, művek
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