EmÍITS R BY DA mmm Location: London , v ] Time: The period of Sherlock Holmes | Subject: Vampires - ¦ " • *" ¦' The vampires had been living in London since the time of Elizabetfi 1,? but now they were being ruthlessly murdered by someone who ripped their coffins open for the light of day to bum them to ashes. j No vampire could endure the daylight to destroy the murderer. They I had to turn to a mortal humán for aid. • - . / Thus it was that Professor James Asher, one-time spy, retumed ] home to find his young wife in a strange coma and Simon Ysidro,; oldest of the London vampires, waiting for him. Ysidro, although i polite, left no doubt of his power to locate his spell on the young f woman, whereyer she might flee. Asher must agree to find the | destroyer of the vampires for them. ! But if he found the killer, what must happen then? What would inev- ji itably be the fate of any mortal humán who learned the identities | and locations of the vampires? The answer was all too...
EmÍITS R BY DA mmm Location: London , v ] Time: The period of Sherlock Holmes | Subject: Vampires - ¦ " • *" ¦' The vampires had been living in London since the time of Elizabetfi 1,? but now they were being ruthlessly murdered by someone who ripped their coffins open for the light of day to bum them to ashes. j No vampire could endure the daylight to destroy the murderer. They I had to turn to a mortal humán for aid. • - . / Thus it was that Professor James Asher, one-time spy, retumed ] home to find his young wife in a strange coma and Simon Ysidro,; oldest of the London vampires, waiting for him. Ysidro, although i polite, left no doubt of his power to locate his spell on the young f woman, whereyer she might flee. Asher must agree to find the | destroyer of the vampires for them. ! But if he found the killer, what must happen then? What would inev- ji itably be the fate of any mortal humán who learned the identities | and locations of the vampires? The answer was all too obvious. Whether he succeeded or failed, it seemed that Professor James í Asher was doomed! S first paperback püblicatioh
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