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The World in 1984 2.

The Complete New Scientist Series

Kiadó: Penguin Books Ltd
Kiadás helye: Harmondsworth
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 205 oldal
Sorozatcím: Pelican Original
Kötetszám: A721
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 12 cm
Megjegyzés: Néhány fekete-fehér ábrával. További kapcsolódó személyek a könyvben.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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New Scientist recently carried through what must rank as one of the most extraordinary publishing coups of this century, when it commissioned almost a hundred leading international authorities in many different fields literally to look into the future. The result was a series of articles as fascinating as the best science fiction shorn of the fantasy.
The World in 1984 now for the first time brings these articles together in two volumes. In an effort to forecast accurately the developments of the next twenty years, they look beyond science and technology to politics, trade, the arts, and other fields. Their intention is entirely serious - to build up as true a picture of the world in 1984 as the best information of today will allow.
Here, filled out with facts, is 'the prophetic soul / of the wide world, dreaming on things to come.'
Cover design by Denis Neale
Cover photograph shows a globular star cluster in Serpens Caput, by courtesy of the Mount Wilson and Palomar... Tovább


New Scientist recently carried through what must rank as one of the most extraordinary publishing coups of this century, when it commissioned almost a hundred leading international authorities in many different fields literally to look into the future. The result was a series of articles as fascinating as the best science fiction shorn of the fantasy.
The World in 1984 now for the first time brings these articles together in two volumes. In an effort to forecast accurately the developments of the next twenty years, they look beyond science and technology to politics, trade, the arts, and other fields. Their intention is entirely serious - to build up as true a picture of the world in 1984 as the best information of today will allow.
Here, filled out with facts, is 'the prophetic soul / of the wide world, dreaming on things to come.'
Cover design by Denis Neale
Cover photograph shows a globular star cluster in Serpens Caput, by courtesy of the Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories Vissza


human mind
Knowing our minds better by Lord Brain
Science and wisdom by Professor C. H. Waddington
The humanities and wisdom by Professor Richard Hoggart
health ]
Stretching the expectation of life by Sir John Charles The three great problems by Professor Sir Charles Dodds A vicious circle of chemicals against chemicals ? by Professor Z. M. Bacq
Changes in psychiatric methods and attitudes by Professor Sir Aubrey Lewis
domestic life ;
Homes of the future by E. Finley Carter A robot about the house by Professor M. W. Thring Changing patterns of family life by Dr Michael Young
government i
Unconditional surrender to facts ? by Professor Asa Briggs Communications and government by Dr V. K. Zworykin Computer models of the economy by Professor Richard Stone 'Report of the Council for Science Policy, 1983-4' by Dr Alexander King
Universal literacy in the age of technology by René Maheu Graduates for the developing world by Professor D. S. Kothari
New methods and new aims in teaching by Professor
B. F. Skinner Learning all our lives by Lord Bowden
Stability and strife by Ruth Glass
Multiple choices by Martin and Margy Meyerson
How much more leisure in 1984 ? by David A. Morse Atrophied muscles and empty art by Sir Herbert Read Gadgets, games, and gambles by Dr H. M. Finniston A laboratory of fun by Joan Littlewood Architect's note by Cedric Price
Footloose industries and the lure of the sun by Professor
L. Dudley Stamp Conceivable patterns of trade by Professor Thorkil Kristensen Self-sufficiency or interdependence ? by Eric Wyndham White
Universal non-alignment and methodical decision-making
by DrJ. W. Burton Scientists as peacemakers by Professor Joseph Rotblat World development: The crucial choice by Professor M. S. Thacker
Coping with 'progress' by Sir George Thomson A nation of computer-keepers ? by Sir Leon Bagrit Winners and losers in the rat-race by Barbara Wootton
Patterns of U.S. industrial development by Professor
George P. Baker Canada: plenty of room for people by Dr K. F. Tupper The rise of the metropolis by Dr L. V. Berkner
Soil and schools : The big challenge by Dr Tobias Lasser In place of feudalism by Professor Abelardo Villegas A continent out of date by Prof essor Josué de Castro
Obstacles and opportunities by Dr F. T. Sai Room for far more people by Robert Gardiner
asia 171
Three fifths of mankind by Dato Sir Alexander Oppenheim Patterns of progress by Professor Kaname Hayashi Prospects for China by Joan Robinson
the world in 1984 l8l
Optimists versus pessimists by Dr Anne McLaren The world of the scientist by Professor Frank Press Incineration, inhumanity, or immortality ? by
Desmond King-Hele A prosperous but unbeautiful world ? by Professor S. Chandrasekhar
summing up by Nigel Calder 191
notes on the contributors
Megvásárolható példányok
The World in 1984 2. The World in 1984 2. The World in 1984 2. The World in 1984 2. The World in 1984 2. The World in 1984 2. The World in 1984 2. The World in 1984 2.

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