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The Words You Need - Student's Book

Kiadó: Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 211 oldal
Sorozatcím: The Words You Need
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 19 cm
ISBN: 0-333-27829-1
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal.
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T.W.Y.N. - A UNIQUE AID TO VOCABULARY LEARNING WHO NEEDS THE WORDS YOU NEED? The aim of this unusual book is to increase, rapidly and systematically, the vocabulary of the intermediate and advanced learner of English. This student will already have a basic vocabulary of perhaps 2000-2500 words. Yet when he tries to express himself fluently in English, he soon realises that something vitai is missing: WORDS! T.W.Y.N. more than fills this need to increase the student's word power. The Words You Need will be invaluable to: ? students of English in universities and colleges ? trainee teachers of English at all levels ? advanced summer school students ? students studying for Cambridge Proficiency or similar level exams ? translators and interpreters ? and generally any student who wants his English to be a working equivalent of native speaker English HOW DOES THE WORDS YOU NEED WORK? In each Unit, vocabulary for study is selected from a wide variety of Texts, both serious and... Tovább


T.W.Y.N. - A UNIQUE AID TO VOCABULARY LEARNING WHO NEEDS THE WORDS YOU NEED? The aim of this unusual book is to increase, rapidly and systematically, the vocabulary of the intermediate and advanced learner of English. This student will already have a basic vocabulary of perhaps 2000-2500 words. Yet when he tries to express himself fluently in English, he soon realises that something vitai is missing: WORDS! T.W.Y.N. more than fills this need to increase the student's word power. The Words You Need will be invaluable to: ? students of English in universities and colleges ? trainee teachers of English at all levels ? advanced summer school students ? students studying for Cambridge Proficiency or similar level exams ? translators and interpreters ? and generally any student who wants his English to be a working equivalent of native speaker English HOW DOES THE WORDS YOU NEED WORK? In each Unit, vocabulary for study is selected from a wide variety of Texts, both serious and light-hearted with a common theme: newspaper, journal and magaziné articles, extracts from a wide rangé of books, advertisemen'ts and other topicai sources. Each Unit follows a system of Texts, Glosses, Discussion, Word Study and Exercises. Two aspects of the word's meaning, essential for correct usage, are emphasised: ? How does the new word relate to other words of similar meaning? (components) ? Which other words and phrases can the new word be used with, and in which contexts? (collocations) Glosses Words in the texts for in-depth study are highlighted. The glosses next to the texts are definitions. so the student can immediately check the meaning of the words in context. Discussion Suggestions for the group to use the words in the texts, before studying their meaning in detail in Word Study. Word Study Words of similar meaning are dealt with together, instead of one by one. The student immediately associates the words, and so remembers the meaning of each word better. Examples of phrases and sentences containing the selected words are discussed in great detail. Grids give a helpful visual comparison of meanings through components and collocations of each word. Exercises Absolutely essential to T.W.Y.N. is the number and variety of exercises testing the student's knowledge of the selected vocabulary. Revision exercises consolidate this knowledge. Crosswords are frequently used. Vissza


Unit i
A Semantic Fields
B Synonymous Pairs
Unit 2
A Semantic Fields
Acknowledgements i
To the student ii
American and British English ii
Abbreviations iii
Stylistic distinctions iv
Dictionaries consulted iv
Beauty isn't only skin deep i
1 conceit, pride, self-esteem, vanity
2 assess, estimate, evaluate, value, rate
3 conclude, infer.judge
4 dirty, filthy, grimy, grubby
5 beautiful, lovely, pretty, charming, attractive, good-looking,
6 elegant, smart, well-dressed, well-groomed
i work, task 2 situation, plight 3 produce, generate 4 speak,
mutter 5 unpleasant, ghastly 6 unwillmg, reluctant 7 open,
overt 8 profitable, lucrative 9 carefully, conscientiously
What is the earth coming to? 17
1 great misfortune, cataclysm, catastrophe, disaster, calamity
2 damage, harm, hurt, injure, impair, mar, spoil
3 shake, tremble, quake, quiver, shiver, shudder
4 predict, forecast, foretell, prophesy
5 dangerous, házardous, perilous, risky
6 strong, potent, powerful
B Synonymous Pairs
i rangé, scope 2 destroy, devastate 3 puzzle, baffle
4 contaminate, pollute 5 prevent, forestall
6 ugly, unsightly 7 effective, efficaaous 8 adventurous, reckless
9 distant, remote
A Semantic Fields
Unit 3 The humán animal
1 reach, áccomplish, achieve, attain, gain
2 check, examine, inspect, scan, scrutinize
3 cower, crouch, squat
4 break, smash, crush, shatter, crack, chip, snap, burst
5 refuse, reject, turn down, decline, spurn
6 look, gazé, glancé, glimpse, peer
B Synonymous Pairs
1 movements, antics 2 chew, munch 3 pay back, retaliate
4 scamper, scurry 5 cut, sever 6 disturb, ruffle
7 mislead, bluff 8 sad, plaintive 9 aggressive, militant
10 dry, arid 11 harmful, pernicious
A Semantic Fields
Unit 4 Exclusively for you
1 goods, merchandise, wares, commodity
2 (a) shop, chain-store, generál stores, department store,
supermarket (b) kiosk, stall, stand
3 advance, further, promote
4 surprise, astonish, amazé, astound, flabbergast
5 grin, smirk, giggle, chuckle
6 rich, wealthy, affluent, opulent
7 meagre, scant, scanty, sparse, frugal
B Synonymous Pairs
1 trick, gimmick 2 doll, puppet 3 beginning, onset
4 piece, slice 5 simple, austere 6 intentional, deliberate
Unit 5 Ali in the family
A Semantic Field'
1 rear, bring up, breed, grow
2 limit, restrict, confine, constrict
3 complain, bellyache, grouse, grumble, moan, whine
4 worry, bother, tease, get on at, nag, pester, plague, harass ha
5 quarrel, bicker, squabble, wrangle
6 shrewd, sly, cunning, crafty
7 tidy, neat, orderly, shipshape
1 attend, frequent 2 keep up, maintain 3 deal with,
copc with 4 change, shift 5 change, altér 6 lenient,
permissive 7 even, steady 8 doubtful, dubious
Unit 6 Get down to work!
A Semantic Fields
1 work, drudgery, grind, labour, toil
2 lawyer, solicitor, barrister
3 dodge, duck, evade, shirk
4 strip, denude, divest
5 fight, combat, struggle
6 falsé, spurious, counterfeit, fake, bogus, phony, sham,
mock, artificial
B Synonymous Pairs
1 occupation, profession; occupational, professional
2 salary, wages 3 officer, official 4 revive, restore
5 ward off, avert 6 change, amend 7 get, acquire
8 dull, drab 9 fastidious, fussy
Unit 7 Do you love me?
A Semantic Fields
1 sympathy, compassion, pity
2 like, be attached to, be fond of, love, be in love with,
feel/have an affection for, be infatuated, adore
3 boast, crow, brag
4 shine, glow, gleam, glisten, shimmer
glimmer, twinkle, flash, glitter, sparkle
5 authentic, real, genuine
6 plain, simple, homely
7 secret, clandestine, secretive, furtive, stealthy, underhand,
B Synonymous Pairs
1 keep, retain 2 hide, conceal 3 support, bolster
4 wallow, flounder 5 unpleasant, obnoxious
Unit 8 There is more to it than meets the eye
A Semantic Fields 1 affect, influence, impress, sway
2 show, display, exhibít, expose, flaunt
3 announce, declare, pronounce, proclaim
4 protect, shield, defend, guard, safeguard
5 look for, seek, grope, search, comb, scour
6 gather, accumulate, assemble, collect, muster
7 weird, eerie, uncanny, unearthly, mysterious, inscrutable,
r conduct, transmit 2 flow, emanate 3 receive, pick up
4 have an accident, crash 5 strange, odd 6 shiny, luminous
7 lost, stray
Unit 9 Where shall we live? lS9
A Semantic Fields i inhabitant, dweller, resident
2 riot, brawl, row, rumpus, scrap
3 lend, let, borrow, rent, lease, hire, charter
4 adapt, adjust, conform
5 take, seize, grasp, clutch, snatch, grab
6 conduct, direct, manage, run, supervise
7 steal, pinch, swipe, lift, pilfer, switch, rip ofF
8 apt, liable, prone, suspectible, subject
B Synonymous Pairs i inhabit, live in 2 fali down, collapse 3 pernicious, noxious
4 effective, efficient
Unit 10 A walk across America 180
A Semantic Fields 1 bordér, margin, verge, edge, rim, brim, brink, boundary,
2 shore, coast, bank, -side
3 flock, herd, pack, troop, colony, swarm, pride, gaggle, shoal
4 roam, ramble, wander, stroll
5 idle, loiter, dawdle, daily, dillydally
6 fly, fiit, glide, soar, hover
7 steal, pinch, swipe, lift, pilfer, snitch, rip off
8 apt, liable, prone, susceptible, subject
B Synonymous Pairs
I begin, set out 2 outdo, surpass 3 lose, fade 4 trim,
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