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The Uprooted

The Epic Story of the Great Migrations that made the American people

New York
Kiadó: Grosset & Dunlap Publishers
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 310 oldal
Sorozatcím: Grosset's Universal Library
Kötetszám: UL-23
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 13 cm
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Here is a Pulitzer Prize-winning epic of the great migration that made the American People. Oscar Handlin starts his story in Europe at the time when the end of peasant life gave the impetus to the vast movement across the Atlantic. The greater part of his book telis how 35 millión people came to America and what they found when they arrived here. From painstaking and exhaustive research in originál sources, Handlin has created a powerful and absorbing work—powerful and absorbing in the deep emotion and com-passion that he, the son of such immigrants, has put into his book. Here is a work which penetrates to the inner meaning of the American immigra-tion experience, one that not only shows brilliantly how American society was affected by it, but alsó gets into the minds and hearts of the people who were involved in it.
Oscar Handlin explains his approach:
"My theme is emigration as the central experience of a great many humán beings. I shall touch upon broken homes,... Tovább


Here is a Pulitzer Prize-winning epic of the great migration that made the American People. Oscar Handlin starts his story in Europe at the time when the end of peasant life gave the impetus to the vast movement across the Atlantic. The greater part of his book telis how 35 millión people came to America and what they found when they arrived here. From painstaking and exhaustive research in originál sources, Handlin has created a powerful and absorbing work—powerful and absorbing in the deep emotion and com-passion that he, the son of such immigrants, has put into his book. Here is a work which penetrates to the inner meaning of the American immigra-tion experience, one that not only shows brilliantly how American society was affected by it, but alsó gets into the minds and hearts of the people who were involved in it.
Oscar Handlin explains his approach:
"My theme is emigration as the central experience of a great many humán beings. I shall touch upon broken homes, interruptions of a familiar life, separation from known surroundings, the becoming of a foreigner and the ceasing to belong. I have tried to trace the impact of separation, of the disruption in the lives and work of people who left one world to adjust to a new.
"The immigrants lived in a crisis because they were uprooted. In trans-plantation, while the old roots were sundered, before the new were estab-lished, the immigrants existed in an extreme situation. The shock, and the effects of the shock, persisted for many years; and their influence reached down to generations which themselves never paid the cost of crossing Understanding of their reactions in that exposed state (of alienation) may throw light on all those whom the modern world somehow uproots."
—from the Introduction to The Uprooted
"The author's insights into what a peasant must have felt on being trans-planted to a place where there was neither fruitful earth nor animals nor seasonal regeneration, where no one could be self-suíhcient and no man's estate was fixed, are searching and persuasive. . . . 'The Uprooted' is history with a difference—the difference being its concern with men's hearts and souls no less than an event." —The New York Times
3 mmm
Oscar Handlin was born in 1915 at Brooklyn of Russian immigran parents. After his graduation from Brooklyn College, he studied at Harvard where he first became interested in the problems of the role of immigration in American culture.- His doctorial thesis was published as Boston's Immi grants and brought him the Dunning Prize of the American Historical Association.
At present Handlin is Professor of History at Harvard. Besides The Uprooted and Boston's immigrants, he has written several other important works in his special field—Commonwealth, This Is America, The American People in the Twentieth Century, and Adventure in Freedom. He alsó serves as chief consulting editor for the Library of American Bíography.
íLmM: Vissza



Oscar Handlin

Oscar Handlin műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Oscar Handlin könyvek, művek
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The Uprooted The Uprooted The Uprooted The Uprooted The Uprooted The Uprooted

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