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The Spirit of Ireland


Kiadó: Colour Library Books Ltd.
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Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 156 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 35 cm x 25 cm
ISBN: 1-85833-074-2
Megjegyzés: Színes fotókkal.
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I '
The Spirit of Ireland
With over250full-colour illustrations
From the summit of the Hill of Tara it is possible to gaze into the heart of Ireland Spreading out from the green turf of the summit are the rich farmlands of the modem Ireland Fields on which Irish wealth and life still rest
But Tara also offers views into history. It was from the ruined halls and strongholds that the Mgh Kings of freland ruled the land It was here that intrigue and might wrote the story of ancient freland.
For those able to see, Tara also holds the key to the third freland. The freland of mists and shadows where the hero Cuchulainn fought his enemies, where Fionn rode with the fighting Fianna. The freland of legends and belief which has survived through the turbulent history of the island.
This book takes the reader on a journey around the freland of today, recapturing its artistic heritage. All the major cities and sites of importance are touched upon, following a geographical... Tovább


I '
The Spirit of Ireland
With over250full-colour illustrations
From the summit of the Hill of Tara it is possible to gaze into the heart of Ireland Spreading out from the green turf of the summit are the rich farmlands of the modem Ireland Fields on which Irish wealth and life still rest
But Tara also offers views into history. It was from the ruined halls and strongholds that the Mgh Kings of freland ruled the land It was here that intrigue and might wrote the story of ancient freland.
For those able to see, Tara also holds the key to the third freland. The freland of mists and shadows where the hero Cuchulainn fought his enemies, where Fionn rode with the fighting Fianna. The freland of legends and belief which has survived through the turbulent history of the island.
This book takes the reader on a journey around the freland of today, recapturing its artistic heritage. All the major cities and sites of importance are touched upon, following a geographical route around freland from Tara, through the Valley of the Shannon to the mountains of Munster, north through Leinster and Dublin to the Province of Ulster with Lough Neagh and so south and west through the mgged and romantic uplands of Donegal to the famous "West" of Connau^t.
Packed with pictures ran^g from wild coastal scenery to the gentle farmlands of the interior, these pages offer a unique portrait of freland, its beauty and its people, thus capturing the spirit of this countiy.
Paul Nolan was bom in Dublin, and has lived in Terenure, near the Dublin Mountains, for nearly thirty-five years. He is a freelance journalist, contributing articles primarily on travel, to many of the national and international newspapers. He has also written numerous texts on Irish history, and is currently working on a biography of one of Irish history's most influential figures, Charles Stewart Pamell.
When he is not working, Paul Nolan enjoys going to the races at the Curragh or watching a game of football. He and his wife Sue are the proud parents of four children, Sharon, Sophie, Lisa and Mark. Vissza



Paul Nolan

Paul Nolan műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Paul Nolan könyvek, művek
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The Spirit of Ireland The Spirit of Ireland The Spirit of Ireland The Spirit of Ireland The Spirit of Ireland The Spirit of Ireland The Spirit of Ireland

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