The Sales Bible
Jeffrey H. Gitomer
The Sales Bible In The Sales Bible, Jeffrey Gitomer describes methods and techniques that really work-every day, in real-world selling situations. Carry it with you-overcome objections as they happen. Read one short chapter in The Sales Bible and watch your sales results improve immediately. The book is a gold mine of practical, hands-on information for sales professionals, including:
•The 39.5 ways to sales success •Top Down Selling-the real secret of
finding the decider •Twenty-five ways to get the appointment
that has eluded you •19.5 buying signals-how to recognize
them and when to close the sale •Real-world advice on working a room
and building your network •How to fill your sales pipeline with
prospects ready to buy •How to use the right questions to make
more sales in half the time •Ten great cold-call opening lines •How to find the hot button every time
and push it once you find it •Hundreds of techniques and sales methods...
The Sales Bible
Jeffrey H. Gitomer
The Sales Bible In The Sales Bible, Jeffrey Gitomer describes methods and techniques that really work-every day, in real-world selling situations. Carry it with you-overcome objections as they happen. Read one short chapter in The Sales Bible and watch your sales results improve immediately. The book is a gold mine of practical, hands-on information for sales professionals, including:
•The 39.5 ways to sales success •Top Down Selling-the real secret of
finding the decider •Twenty-five ways to get the appointment
that has eluded you •19.5 buying signals-how to recognize
them and when to close the sale •Real-world advice on working a room
and building your network •How to fill your sales pipeline with
prospects ready to buy •How to use the right questions to make
more sales in half the time •Ten great cold-call opening lines •How to find the hot button every time
and push it once you find it •Hundreds of techniques and sales methods to help you get the toughest buyer to say "yes"
The Interactive Disk The 72-question computer disk is a great method for reviewing key concepts in the book
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(continued from front flap)
and a vital learning aid that can deepen your understanding of the entire selling process.
The Flash Cards Twenty-five pocket-sized flash cards are designed for last-minute review before a crucial sales call or for a quick shot of motivation between appointments.
The Complete Package The Sales Bible can improve your sales results dramatically-immediately. Combined in an integrated package of book, computer disk, and flash cards, it is the most powerful sales aid ever produced.
Jeffrey Gitomer's column, "Sales Moves," which appears in business publications nationwide, reaches more than 1,000,000 readers each week. The founder of three manufacturing and marketing businesses, Gitomer is a popular consultant, seminar leader, and trainer to business groups and sales organizations worldwide. Mr. Gitomer is the president of Business Marketing Services, based in Charlotte, North Carolina.