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Alexander Pushkin
and Other Stories
Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837), Russia's greatest poet and a versatile writer whose great gifts and profoundly Russian sensibility influenced all of modern Russian literature, produced short stories that are masterpieces of the craft.
Besides the brilliant title story, a cunningly wrought narrative of romance and murder in the haute bourgeoisie of St. Petersburg," this volume includes all five stories originally collected as The Tales of the Late P. Belkin. These include "An Amateur Peasant Girl," "The Shot," "The Snowstorm," "The Postmaster" and "The Coffin-maker."
Unabridged Dover (1994) republication of stories, chiefly selected from The Prose Tales of Alexander Poushkin: translated from the Russian by T. Keane, published by G. Bell & Sons, Ltd., London, 1916. New introductory Note. Explanatory footnotes. 96pp. 5^6 x 8X. Paperbound.
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