What is culture shock and how does it affect cross-cultural travellers? How do expatriate workers learn to manage in a new cultural context?
Crossing cultures can be a stimulating and rewarding adventure. It can also be a stressful and bewildering experience. This thoroughly revised and updated edition of Furnham and Bochner's classic Culture Shock (1986) examines the psychological and social processes hivolved in intercultural contact, including learning new culture specific skills, managing stress and coping with an unfamiliar environment, changing cultural identities and enhancing intergroup relations.
The book describes the ABCs of intercultural encounters, highlighting Affective, Behavioural and Cognitive components of cross-cultural experience. It incorporates both theoretical and applied perspectives on culture shock and a comprehensive review of empirical research on a variety of cross-cultural travellers, such as tourists, students, business travellers, immigrants and...
What is culture shock and how does it affect cross-cultural travellers? How do expatriate workers learn to manage in a new cultural context?
Crossing cultures can be a stimulating and rewarding adventure. It can also be a stressful and bewildering experience. This thoroughly revised and updated edition of Furnham and Bochner's classic Culture Shock (1986) examines the psychological and social processes hivolved in intercultural contact, including learning new culture specific skills, managing stress and coping with an unfamiliar environment, changing cultural identities and enhancing intergroup relations.
The book describes the ABCs of intercultural encounters, highlighting Affective, Behavioural and Cognitive components of cross-cultural experience. It incorporates both theoretical and applied perspectives on culture shock and a comprehensive review of empirical research on a variety of cross-cultural travellers, such as tourists, students, business travellers, immigrants and refugees. Minimising the adverse effects of culture shock, facilitating positive psychological outcomes and discussion of selection and training techniques for living and working abroad represent some of the practical issues covered.
The Psychology of Culture Shock will prove an essential reference and textbook for courses within psychology, sociology and business training. It will also be a valuable resource for professionals working with culturally diverse populations and acculturating groups such as international students, immigrants or refugees.
COLLEEN WARD is Professor of Psychology and head of the School of Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, STEPHEN BOCHNER is visiting Professor at the School of Psychology, University of New South Wales, Sydney and ADRIAN FURNHAM is Professor of Psychology at University College London.
In a world where there are millions of tourists, sojourners, expatriates, immigrants and refugees, it is high time for psychology to pay attention to the culture shock that these individuals are experiencing. Three internationally known psychologists have combined thgr skills to write this most impressive book that provides an excellent account of culture shock.
Harry Triandis, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Illinois
This updated edition improves on what was already a superbly readable and much-needed review of psychological work about cross-cultural encounters it brings together a plethora of different studies and perspectives into a coherent whole - no mean feat!
Marco Cinnirella, Royal Holloway, University of London