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The Professor's House


Kiadó: Virago Press
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 283 oldal
Sorozatcím: Virago Modern Classics
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 13 cm
ISBN: 0-86068-184-X
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Virago Modern Classics Willa Cather_ The Professors House 'Euripides, when he was an old man, went and lived in a cave by the sea. It seems that houscs had become insupportable to him. I wonder whether it was bccausc he had observed women so closely all his life.' Godfrey St Peter, a professor in a Mid-wcstern American university is a scholarly, compassionate man who finds the tranquil and ordered life of his middle years threatened by worldly success. His family have now abandoned the shabby but beloved house where he has done his greatest work. But he cannot, and in its attic study throughout one long summer he reflects upon his life and the people he has loved: Lillian, his charming, elegant wife; his two daughters - Rosamond, beautiful but pretentious, , Kathleen, sympathetic but lost. Most of all he remembers Torn Outland, the brilliant young pioneer whose diseoveries have revolutionised their lives; whose greatness inspired renewal and passionate love but whose legacy is... Tovább


Virago Modern Classics Willa Cather_ The Professors House 'Euripides, when he was an old man, went and lived in a cave by the sea. It seems that houscs had become insupportable to him. I wonder whether it was bccausc he had observed women so closely all his life.' Godfrey St Peter, a professor in a Mid-wcstern American university is a scholarly, compassionate man who finds the tranquil and ordered life of his middle years threatened by worldly success. His family have now abandoned the shabby but beloved house where he has done his greatest work. But he cannot, and in its attic study throughout one long summer he reflects upon his life and the people he has loved: Lillian, his charming, elegant wife; his two daughters - Rosamond, beautiful but pretentious, , Kathleen, sympathetic but lost. Most of all he remembers Torn Outland, the brilliant young pioneer whose diseoveries have revolutionised their lives; whose greatness inspired renewal and passionate love but whose legacy is corruption - and betrayal. This haunting növel examines humán love and humán isolation in all its manifestations, expressing, without rancour, the inevitable anguish of ideals destroyed, love extinguished. A parable which records the decline and fali of her own heroic tradition, this is Willa Cather's most fascinating and beautiful work of íiction. 'SufTused with all the ache and nostalgia of youth, those elegiac pages which speak for the joy and sorrow of things gone by . . .' - LEON EDEI. Vissza



Willa Cather

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