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The Professional Journalist

A Guide to the Practices and Principles of the News Media


Kiadó: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 532 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 16 cm
Megjegyzés: Néhány fekete-fehér illusztrációval.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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A Guide to the Practices and Principles of the News Media Second Edition
By John Hohenberg, Columbia Uni-versity
This book, written by the winner of two Sigma Delta Chi prizes for distinguished service to journalism, is a thoroughly revised, detailed, and integrated expo-sition of the principles and practices of the news média today. It is a guide for the student and the young professional, a useful work for the established jour-nalist.
New material in the second edition of this tvidely known book emphasizes the basics of broadcast journalism, public opinion reporting, the developing stand-ards that affect free press and fair trial, the invasion of privacy and freedom of information, specialized journalism, investigatory reporting, and public service journalism. Particular attention has been given to an enlarged and revised discussion of the problems of reporting for the various média.
The book deals with newspapers of all types, from the small... Tovább


A Guide to the Practices and Principles of the News Media Second Edition
By John Hohenberg, Columbia Uni-versity
This book, written by the winner of two Sigma Delta Chi prizes for distinguished service to journalism, is a thoroughly revised, detailed, and integrated expo-sition of the principles and practices of the news média today. It is a guide for the student and the young professional, a useful work for the established jour-nalist.
New material in the second edition of this tvidely known book emphasizes the basics of broadcast journalism, public opinion reporting, the developing stand-ards that affect free press and fair trial, the invasion of privacy and freedom of information, specialized journalism, investigatory reporting, and public service journalism. Particular attention has been given to an enlarged and revised discussion of the problems of reporting for the various média.
The book deals with newspapers of all types, from the small city and suburban daily to the metropolitan press, and gives special consideration to the problems of broadcast journalism, from the short-staffed radio station to network television news. The intricate practices of the wire services are given exhaustive treatment, as well. Throughout, there are many new and pertinent examples
(continued on back flap)
(continued from front flap)
of reporting procedures, news and fea-ture stories, and programs typical of broadcast journalism. The appendices include newspaper and broadcast journalism codes, and a glossary of print and broadcast journalism terminology with useful definitions that apply to both.
JOHN HOHENBERG served for twenty-five years as a New York polit-ical writer, and as Washington, United Nations, and foreign correspondent. He is a Professor at the Columbia Univer-sity Graduate School of Journalism. He won its alumni award in 1966 for his services to American journalism, and in 1965 and 1968 was awarded Sigma Delta Chi prizes for distinguished re-search in journalism. Professor Hohen-berg has alsó written Foreign Corre-spondence: The Great Reporters and Their Times; The News Media: A Journalist Looks at His Profession (HRW 1968), and an anthology, The Pulitzer Prize Story, which has been included in the White House Library. He has served as a Research Fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations, an American Speciálist in Asia for the Department of State, and a Senior Speciálist at the East-West Center in Honolulu. Vissza



John Hohenberg

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The Professional Journalist The Professional Journalist The Professional Journalist The Professional Journalist The Professional Journalist The Professional Journalist The Professional Journalist The Professional Journalist The Professional Journalist

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