Mark Sisson is someone who walks his talk! His exempíary lifestyle and passión for helping others get fit have been an inspiration to me, Unlike many diet and fitness programs that are too extreme, the Prímái Blueprint works for everyone. Gabby Reece, professional volleyball star, international supermodel, fitness celebrity,
and mother of two
Sisson aggressively pokes holes in flawed conventional wisdom about diet and exercise that has led us down the wrong path for decades. The Prímái Blueprint is supported by extensive scientific research and is simple and easy to follow—not for a week or a month, but for the rest ofyour life. Drs. Michael and Mary Dan Eades New York Times best-selling authors of Protein Power
Being healthy and fit has gone mainstream—millions sweat the calories away on the roads or in health clubs and scrutinize labels and menüs trying to do the right thirig to control weight, delay aging, and feel healthy, fit, and energetic. And it's simply not working....
Mark Sisson is someone who walks his talk! His exempíary lifestyle and passión for helping others get fit have been an inspiration to me, Unlike many diet and fitness programs that are too extreme, the Prímái Blueprint works for everyone. Gabby Reece, professional volleyball star, international supermodel, fitness celebrity,
and mother of two
Sisson aggressively pokes holes in flawed conventional wisdom about diet and exercise that has led us down the wrong path for decades. The Prímái Blueprint is supported by extensive scientific research and is simple and easy to follow—not for a week or a month, but for the rest ofyour life. Drs. Michael and Mary Dan Eades New York Times best-selling authors of Protein Power
Being healthy and fit has gone mainstream—millions sweat the calories away on the roads or in health clubs and scrutinize labels and menüs trying to do the right thirig to control weight, delay aging, and feel healthy, fit, and energetic. And it's simply not working. Rates of obesity, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, and cancer continue to climb, and even the most committed fitness enthusiasts often carry 10 or 20 extra pounds of body fat.
MarksDailyApple.com healthy lifestyle guru Mark Sisson presents the compelling premise that you can reprogram your genes in the direction of weight loss, health, and longevity by following lOimmutable "Primal" laws validated by two millión yearsof humán evolution. The Primal Blueprint will show you how:
• Weight loss is all about insulin; moderate your production by eliminating sugár and grains (yes, even whole grains) and you will lose the excess body fat you desire without dieting—plus you will improve your energy level, reduce inflammation, and eliminate disease risk.
• Eating meat, eggs, and a generally high-fat diet not only is healthy but is the key to effortless weight loss, a healthy immuné system, and boundless energy.
• Slowing down yourtypical cardiovascular workouts, and in-corporating brief, intense strength sessions and occasional all-out sprints can produce fitness benefits far superior to workouts that are much longer and more grueling—and can eliminate the risk of burnout.
As you'll discover with the day in the life comparisons between Grok (Sisson's model primal humán, a hunter-gatherer from 10,000 years ago) and Ken Korg (Grok's antithesis—a sedentary suburban dad with a long commute to a stressful job, a diet of heavily processed foods, and assorted prescriptions that impede natural healing), we've drifted disastrously far away from optimál gene expression in modern life. We live in a society of rampant con-sumerism, technology-driven inactivity (most evident with the childhood obesity epidemic), overprocessed foods, and a "more is better" mentality that drives even the most devoted fitness enthusiasts to ex-haustion and failed weight-loss goals.
Sisson's voice of experience (his hopes of competing in the Olympic marathon tri-als were crushed by overuse injuries and an inflammatory high-carbohydrate diet— a life lesson that inspired his three-decade quest to balance fitness and health) strongly rejects many generally accepted, but deeply flawed, assumptions about healthy eating, exercise, and lifestyle habits. Unlike gimmicky programs of ques-tionable validity (that produce short-term "results" at the expense of health and long-term compliance), The Primal Blue-print is validated by the magnificent two-million-year scientific study that is humán evolution. Our genes prefer natural, hunter-gatherer foods, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, meat, fish, fowl, and eggs; an energizing blend of comfortabiy paced aerobic movement (to support car-diovascular and immuné function as well as overall vibrant health) blended with oc-casional brief but high-intensity efforts (to shed fat, build muscle, and delay aging); and a simple, stress-balanced lifestyle with plenty of sleep, sunlight, playtime, and stimulating creative endeavors to balance the daily grind of the rat race.