Is there anywhere such a thing as a normal man?
Modein society clamps 9 straitjacket of
conformity on every child that's born. In t.h6
process man's potentialities are devastated and
the terms 'sanity' and 'madness' become,-
ambiguous. The schizophrenic may simply be
someone who has been unable to suppress
his normal instincts and conform to an
abnormal society.'
The whole question of 'normality' is raised in
this new book by Dr. Laing, the author of
The Divided Self. In the fog of psychological
ambiguities, as he sees it, we cannot rely on the
navigators, just because the theories of
experts about alienation too often manifest the
very faults they describe. The author's
argument leads him to explore the psychological
weapons of constriction, deprivation, splitting,
.-• 'j
and projection; and he does not hesitate to
call on science, rhetoric, poetry, and polemic
1 to support his points. If he leaves us with
little more than the bitter taste of truth in this...
Is there anywhere such a thing as a normal man?
Modein society clamps 9 straitjacket of
conformity on every child that's born. In t.h6
process man's potentialities are devastated and
the terms 'sanity' and 'madness' become,-
ambiguous. The schizophrenic may simply be
someone who has been unable to suppress
his normal instincts and conform to an
abnormal society.'
The whole question of 'normality' is raised in
this new book by Dr. Laing, the author of
The Divided Self. In the fog of psychological
ambiguities, as he sees it, we cannot rely on the
navigators, just because the theories of
experts about alienation too often manifest the
very faults they describe. The author's
argument leads him to explore the psychological
weapons of constriction, deprivation, splitting,
.-• 'j
and projection; and he does not hesitate to
call on science, rhetoric, poetry, and polemic
1 to support his points. If he leaves us with
little more than the bitter taste of truth in this
modern dilemma, at least he believes that 'as long
as there are survivors, there is still hope'.