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The Napoleon Options

Alternate Decisions of the Napoleonic Wars

Róla szól

Kiadó: Greenhill Books-Stackpole Books
Kiadás helye: London-Pennsylvania
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott kemény kötés
Oldalszám: 221 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 16 cm
ISBN: 1-85367-388-9
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókkal, illusztrációkkal.
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• Contributions by leading military historians • Gripping narratives of ten alternate scenarios • A new look at dramatic Napoleonic campaigns This compelling alternate history, brilliantly written by ten leading international authors, presents the great 'maybes' of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. The Napokon Options focuses on somé of the pivotal episodes of those catastrophic wars, gives them a resounding twist and explores in detail an alternate sequence of historical events. Rooted firmly in reality, and projected from entirely factual events, these dramatic and plausible possibilities are played out as though they actually happened in vivid and dramatic narratives. The Napoleon Options presents ten scenarios spanning the years between 1796 and 1815. Paddy Griffith examines the results of a full-blown French invasion of Ireland, a very real danger in the 1790s; Charles Grant studies the results of a successful French occupation of Egypt and the Middle East, and the impact... Tovább


• Contributions by leading military historians • Gripping narratives of ten alternate scenarios • A new look at dramatic Napoleonic campaigns This compelling alternate history, brilliantly written by ten leading international authors, presents the great 'maybes' of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. The Napokon Options focuses on somé of the pivotal episodes of those catastrophic wars, gives them a resounding twist and explores in detail an alternate sequence of historical events. Rooted firmly in reality, and projected from entirely factual events, these dramatic and plausible possibilities are played out as though they actually happened in vivid and dramatic narratives. The Napoleon Options presents ten scenarios spanning the years between 1796 and 1815. Paddy Griffith examines the results of a full-blown French invasion of Ireland, a very real danger in the 1790s; Charles Grant studies the results of a successful French occupation of Egypt and the Middle East, and the impact of this new French empire on the British in India; Philip Haythornthwaite refights the battle of Vimeiro, a pivotal moment of the Peninsular War; John H. Gill imagines the effect of an early Austrian offensive in 1809; Digby Smith presents an alternate
continued from front flap Borodino and its disastrous efFect on Napoleon's 1812 campaign; Jonathan North examines how the French could have reversed the retreat from Moscow and looks at the results of a successful French invasion of Russia; John Gallaher analyses how the 1813 campaign in Germany might have been different had Napoleon pursued successfully after Dresden; Peter Hofschröer considers the consequences of an Allied blunder very early on in the Waterloo campaign; Andrew Uffindell investigates an alternate - and more bloody - engagement on the field of Waterloo itself; and John Elting suggests what could have happened had the French recovered and fought back after Waterloo. These captivating scenarios colourfiilly illustrate how alternate events might well have shaped a radically different world and demonstrate the far-reaching consequences of minor changes upon the surging course of events. Cover illustmtion: Napoleon in his tent. A nineteenth-century paintinpj by Stengell. Vissza


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