
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

A kosaram
5000 Ft
a(z) 5000Ft-os

The Museum of Fine Arts Budapest



Kiadó: Szépművészeti Múzeum
Kiadás helye: Budapest
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 219 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 12 cm
ISBN: 963-7441-84-0
Megjegyzés: Színes fotókkal és reprodukciókkal. További kapcsolódó személyek a kötetben.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss






The Budapest Museum of Fine Arts is regarded as one of Central Europe's most significant museums: its multi-faceted material, historical continuity and profusion of masterpieces assure it a deserved place in
the front rank of collections. The Museum of Fine Arts opened in 1906, but its material and organisation testify to the acquisitions and cultural aspirations of almost two centuries. For a long time it also featured Hungarian works of art; when the Hungarian National Gallery was established in 1957 the two collections were gradually separated, and since 1974 the Museum of Fine Arts has provided a home for relics of all forms of art from ancient times to the present day. Thé various departments - the Egyptian Collection, the department of Classical Antiquities, the Old Masters' Gallery, The Old Sculpture Collection,
the department of Prints and Drawings, and The 19th and 20th Century Collection - display to visitors
an array of world-famous works of art such as a... Tovább


The Budapest Museum of Fine Arts is regarded as one of Central Europe's most significant museums: its multi-faceted material, historical continuity and profusion of masterpieces assure it a deserved place in
the front rank of collections. The Museum of Fine Arts opened in 1906, but its material and organisation testify to the acquisitions and cultural aspirations of almost two centuries. For a long time it also featured Hungarian works of art; when the Hungarian National Gallery was established in 1957 the two collections were gradually separated, and since 1974 the Museum of Fine Arts has provided a home for relics of all forms of art from ancient times to the present day. Thé various departments - the Egyptian Collection, the department of Classical Antiquities, the Old Masters' Gallery, The Old Sculpture Collection,
the department of Prints and Drawings, and The 19th and 20th Century Collection - display to visitors
an array of world-famous works of art such as a black-figure amphora by Exeldas, Raphael's Esterházy Madonna, pictures by El Greco, Velázquez and Goya,
Diirer's Portrait of a Youth, Leonardo's Equestrian Statue, Manet's Lady with a Fan, and Chagall's Village in Blue. Our guide offers a glimpse into this rich material, with the help of 300 colour reproductions and expert commentaries by members of the museum's staff Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
The Museum of Fine Arts Budapest The Museum of Fine Arts Budapest The Museum of Fine Arts Budapest The Museum of Fine Arts Budapest The Museum of Fine Arts Budapest The Museum of Fine Arts Budapest

A lapélek foltosak.

4.580 Ft
3.200 ,-Ft 30
29 pont kapható
The Museum of Fine Arts Budapest The Museum of Fine Arts Budapest The Museum of Fine Arts Budapest The Museum of Fine Arts Budapest The Museum of Fine Arts Budapest The Museum of Fine Arts Budapest The Museum of Fine Arts Budapest

A borító és a lapélek foltosak.

4.580 ,-Ft
41 pont kapható