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The modern university dictionary and world atlas

Kiadó: Collins Clear-Type Press
Kiadás helye: London-Glasgow
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Könyvkötői vászonkötés
Oldalszám: 760 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 21 cm x 15 cm
Megjegyzés: 570 fekete-fehér képpel, ábrával, színes térképekkel illusztrálva.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


THE plan of this book, which is intended as a complete manual of the living language and a work of general reference for constant use, may be described briefly for the convenience... Tovább


THE plan of this book, which is intended as a complete manual of the living language and a work of general reference for constant use, may be described briefly for the convenience of the reader as follows :
Arrangement.—A glance at one of the pages in the Dictionary will show that the words are placed either in groups or in single entries. The grouped words include those that are derived from the leading or key-word, and only those that are closely connected with it in etymology or in meaning. Where pronunciations and definitions of these derivative words are not given, they will be readily understood by reference to the key-word of the group. Look, therefore, first for the key-word ; derived forms and spellings will then be found in smaller bold type under it.
Pronunciation.—The simple scheme of pronunciation is given at the front of the book, and once this has been read the pronunciations can readily be understood by a reference to the key to the vowel sounds at the foot of each page. The pronunciation is always given in parenthesis immediately after the key-word. When the accent in derivative words falls on the same syllable as in the key-word, the phonetic spelling is not repeated. If the accent changes, or the pronunciation differs, the word is re-spelt in full.
Etymology : Parts of Speech.—The list of abbreviations given at the front of the book should be studied for an explanation of the letters in italics placed after each word, denoting the parts of speech. The etymology, enclosed in square brackets, will be clear after reference to the same list of abbreviations ; where the root word given is not translated, its meaning is that of the English one, and where the language only is stated without a word, the form, as well as the meaning, is identical with the English term. Vissza
Megvásárolható példányok
The modern university dictionary and world atlas The modern university dictionary and world atlas The modern university dictionary and world atlas The modern university dictionary and world atlas The modern university dictionary and world atlas The modern university dictionary and world atlas The modern university dictionary and world atlas The modern university dictionary and world atlas The modern university dictionary and world atlas The modern university dictionary and world atlas The modern university dictionary and world atlas The modern university dictionary and world atlas

A borító, a lapélek és néhány lap kissé foltosak. Több lapon bejegyzések, aláhúzások találhatók. A címlapon tulajdonosi bejegyzés látható.

A lapélek színezettek.

3.940 ,-Ft
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