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The Matrix and Philosophy

Welcome to the Desert of the Real

Kiadó: Open Court
Kiadás helye: Chicago
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 280 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 0-8126-9502-X
Megjegyzés: További szerzők a kötetben.
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tv and film / f»1h i lp-s d bh y . . | 1 | The choice is yours, and you'll have to live with the consequences for at least the rest of your life, Will you take the blue pill-iput this book back on |he shelf and go on thinking of The Mátrix as just a movie? Or will you take the red pill-reád this book, and find out just how far down the rabbit-hole goes? Is ttvfe world aroond us truly as it appears or are we inert bodies in tanks, our brains electronically stimulated to create a make-believe world which is all we know? This old philosophical puzzle has become cutííng-edge cool with the appearance of the Keanu Reeves cult sci-fi movie, The Mátrix. The Mátrix is the most philosophical film ever made, every step of its fast-paced plot pivotíng on a philosophical conundrum. If the world as we know it is nothing more than our dream, does this make the dream real? If we had the choice to step out of our world into a more real but less pleasant one-to take the red pill-would it be a morál... Tovább


tv and film / f»1h i lp-s d bh y . . | 1 | The choice is yours, and you'll have to live with the consequences for at least the rest of your life, Will you take the blue pill-iput this book back on |he shelf and go on thinking of The Mátrix as just a movie? Or will you take the red pill-reád this book, and find out just how far down the rabbit-hole goes? Is ttvfe world aroond us truly as it appears or are we inert bodies in tanks, our brains electronically stimulated to create a make-believe world which is all we know? This old philosophical puzzle has become cutííng-edge cool with the appearance of the Keanu Reeves cult sci-fi movie, The Mátrix. The Mátrix is the most philosophical film ever made, every step of its fast-paced plot pivotíng on a philosophical conundrum. If the world as we know it is nothing more than our dream, does this make the dream real? If we had the choice to step out of our world into a more real but less pleasant one-to take the red pill-would it be a morál failure not to do so? Why do humaits have a value above that of intelligent electronic mechanísms? Can the mind live without the body or the body Without the mind? In The MátrixandPhilosophy, professional philosophers analyze The Matrixitm many angles: metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, and aesthetic. They uncover hidden depths in this intricate work of art, and oftén reach disturbing conclusions. Those who take the led pill never look at the real world' the same way again. 'The Mátrix is rich in central philosophical themes. The "If, like Keanu Reeves, you are confused by the plot of Mafirix and Philosophy is even richer in its identification The Mátrix, this is clearly the book for you. If you are not and elaboration of these themes. What could rationalists, confused by the plot of The Mátrix, you should seek medempiricists, realists, anti-realists, materialists, holists, ical attention immediately. But if you haverft even seen existentialists, and deconstructionists possibly hold The Mátrix, then you really must reád this book-to find in common? Their signal ideas are all deeply embedded in out why this film served as a defining experience for an that movie and artfully unearthed in this book. , entire generation of college students." Whatever your philosophical cup of tea, The x^-CNy -Paul Cantor, author of Gílligan Unbound: Mátrix and Philosophy is your teahouse." // Pop Cu,ture m the 4ge of Globalizatíon 11 -|ou Marinoff, author of Plató Not /[ \\ Prozac and Philosophical Practice II \\ "Mlliam írwin has done ityet again. But j William Irwin is Assistant Professor of this time with even more philosophical sub- /y Philosophy at King's College, Pennsylvania. stance than in his pHeviously edited works on x^llEB^^^ He has edited Seinfeld and Philosophy: A Seinfeld and Philosophy and The Simpsons and ' Book about Everything and Nothing, The Simpsons Philosophy. Irwin has marshaled a talented troupe of and Philosophy: The D'ohí of Homer (with Mark T. Conard essayists who use the film The Mátrix to present the curi- and Aeon J. Skoble), and Critical Thinking: A Student's ous with an array of philosophical elements that rangé Introduction (with Gregory Bassham, H. Nardone, ajd from metaphysics to ethics, philosophy of mind to philoso- J. Wallace). He is alsó author of Intentionalist Interphy of re/igion, epistemology m aesthetics, and more. pretation: A Philosophical Explanation and Defense and Instructors will be delighted to find a sensible strategy for editor of The Death and Resurrection of the Author? using popular culture to encourage undergraduates to Professor Irwin has written numerous articles and reviews encounter philosophy in their own médium." on hermeneutics, Sartre, Plató, philosophy of law, and -Kimberly A. Blessing, philosophical pedagogy. Siena Heights University 1 if-1-§-1-f 1 Vissza


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