
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

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The Martian Chronicles


Kiadó: Bantam Books
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 181 oldal
Sorozatcím: Bantam Science Fiction
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 0-553-02440-X
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról
Értesítőt kérek a sorozatról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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ne minute it was Ohio winter, with doors closed, win-
dows locked, the panes blind with frost, icicles fringing
every roof, children skiing on slopes, housewives... Tovább


ne minute it was Ohio winter, with doors closed, win-
dows locked, the panes blind with frost, icicles fringing
every roof, children skiing on slopes, housewives lumbering like great black bears in their furs along the icy streets.
And then a long wave of warmth crossed the small town. A flooding sea of hot air; it seemed as if someone had left a bakery door open. The heat pulsed among the cottages and bushes and children. The icicles dropped, shattering, to melt. The doors flew open. The windows flew up. The children worked off their wool clothes. The housewives shed their bear disguises. The snow dissolved and showed last summer's ancient green lawns.
Rocket summer. The words passed among the people in the open, airing houses. Rocket summer. The warm desert air changing the frost patterns on the windows, erasing the art work. The skis and sleds suddenly useless. The snow, falling from the cold sky upon the town, turned to a hot rain before it touched the ground.
Rocket summer. People leaned from their dripping porches and watched the reddening sky.
The rocket lay on the launching field, blowing out pink clouds of fire and oven heat. The rocket stood in the cold winter morning, making summer with every breath of its mighty exhausts. The rocket made climates, and summer lay for a brief moment upon the land. . . . Vissza


January 1999: Rocket Summer l
February 1999: Ylla 8
August 1999: The Summer Night 14
August 1999: The Earth Men 16
March 2000: The Taxpayer 31
April 2000: The Third Expedition 32
June 2001: —and the Moon be
Still as Bright 48
August 2001: The Settlers 72
December 2001: The Green Morning 73
February 2002: The Locusts 78
August 2002: Night Meeting 78
October 2002: The Shore 87
February 2003: Interim 87
April 2003: The Musicians 88
June 2003: Way in the Middle of the air 89
2004 -2005: The Naming of Names 102
April 2005: Usher II 103
August 2005: The Old Ones 118
September 2005: The Martian 119
November 2005: The Luggage Store 131
November 2005: The Off Season 132
November 2005: The Watchers 144
December 2005: The Silent Towns »45
April 2026: The Long Years »55
August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains 166
October 2026: The Million-Year Picnic 172

Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Ray Bradbury könyvek, művek
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