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The Louvre - Egyptian Antiquities


Kiadó: Éditions Scala
Kiadás helye:
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Kötés típusa: Varrott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 95 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 28 cm x 20 cm
ISBN: 2-86656-288-7
Megjegyzés: További fotósok a kötetben. Színes fotókkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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THE LOUVRE EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES With more than 55,000 objects, the Department of Egyptian Antiquities in the Louvre is one oí the most. splendid coilections in the world Of exceptionai value and variety, it reveals the evolutíon of Pharaonic statuary and architecture as well as iílustrating Egyptian funerary rrtes and everyday life ín detaii The Department was the brainchtid of feanFran^ois thampollion, the pioneer Egyptologist famous as the decipherer of Egyptian hieroglyphics. On his initiative the collection of 4,000 objects that had been amassed by the ¦ British consul, Salt, was bought by Francé and became the nucieus of the Louvre coilections. When Champollion died In 1,832, the louvre aiready posses&ed more than 9,000 pieces Since then, the collection has not eeased to expand, enriched by donations, purchases and excavation finds The recent redesign aliows a new originál presentation ; on the first fioor, outstanding works allow the visitor to walk through 4,000 years of art... Tovább


THE LOUVRE EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES With more than 55,000 objects, the Department of Egyptian Antiquities in the Louvre is one oí the most. splendid coilections in the world Of exceptionai value and variety, it reveals the evolutíon of Pharaonic statuary and architecture as well as iílustrating Egyptian funerary rrtes and everyday life ín detaii The Department was the brainchtid of feanFran^ois thampollion, the pioneer Egyptologist famous as the decipherer of Egyptian hieroglyphics. On his initiative the collection of 4,000 objects that had been amassed by the ¦ British consul, Salt, was bought by Francé and became the nucieus of the Louvre coilections. When Champollion died In 1,832, the louvre aiready posses&ed more than 9,000 pieces Since then, the collection has not eeased to expand, enriched by donations, purchases and excavation finds The recent redesign aliows a new originál presentation ; on the first fioor, outstanding works allow the visitor to walk through 4,000 years of art history. On the groundíloor, a thematic presentation, uníque in the Louvre, hsghlíghts and expfaíns the principal aspects oí pharaonic civilization This book presents the key works exhibited in the Grand Louvre with an emphasis on daily lift in -indent Egypt Vissza


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