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The Israel I Love

Kiadó: Steimatzky's Agency-Nateev Publishing
Kiadás helye: Izrael
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 160 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 28 cm x 22 cm
Megjegyzés: Színes és fekete-fehér fotókkal.
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60 Full Color Illustrations, 62 in black and white
The land of the Bible, holy to three great faiths, the State of Israel. The view from Mount Carmel over the city, harbor and bay of Haifa—unfolds up till the white cliffs on the border of Lebanon. Across the bay lies the ancient Akko of the Phoenicians—the Saint Jean d'Acre of the Crusaders, with the Gothic hall of the Knights Templar and Turkish battlements. In the north, the Huleh valley, covered by rich orchards, its icy mountain streams sparkling with trout, its charming nature reserve teeming with stately pelicans and storks waddling serenely among papyrus and reeds. Perched high in the Galilee mountains, like an eagle's nest is Safed, one of Judaism's four holy cities, its crooked lanes and old synagogues raising memories of the great Cabbalists and scholars who lived and prayed there. Below, the enchanting Lake of Galilee on whose shores Jesus lived with his fishermen friends and disciples the happiest... Tovább


60 Full Color Illustrations, 62 in black and white
The land of the Bible, holy to three great faiths, the State of Israel. The view from Mount Carmel over the city, harbor and bay of Haifa—unfolds up till the white cliffs on the border of Lebanon. Across the bay lies the ancient Akko of the Phoenicians—the Saint Jean d'Acre of the Crusaders, with the Gothic hall of the Knights Templar and Turkish battlements. In the north, the Huleh valley, covered by rich orchards, its icy mountain streams sparkling with trout, its charming nature reserve teeming with stately pelicans and storks waddling serenely among papyrus and reeds. Perched high in the Galilee mountains, like an eagle's nest is Safed, one of Judaism's four holy cities, its crooked lanes and old synagogues raising memories of the great Cabbalists and scholars who lived and prayed there. Below, the enchanting Lake of Galilee on whose shores Jesus lived with his fishermen friends and disciples the happiest days of His life. Above it, towering in the distance the glorious snow-capped head of Mount Hermon. Southward, stretches the verdant, fertile Jordan valley, in the middle of which the river Jordan winds its tortuous course in a gentle gradient descent toward the desolate plains of Jericho where Jesus was baptized by John, to throw its living waters into the Dead Sea. Above the weird lunar landscape rise the ragged steep mountains of the Judean desert, along whose wild-goats' paths sought refuge the famous outlaws and rebels of history: David, Jesus, the Zealots, the Essenes, Bar Kochba. Towering over the sparkling motionless waters of the Dead Sea looms the great rock of Massada, the Jews' last stand against Rome, which, ending in tragedy, became a symbol of mankind's eternal struggle for freedom and human dignity against oppression and slavery. Perched on the Judean hills, straddling the dividing line between wilderness and civilization—stands
(Continued on back jlap)
(Continued from front !lap)
Jerusalem, Israel's capital, its nation's crown and pride. Here, the great, tear-stained ashlars of the Western (Wailing) Wall bear witness to the grandeur of the ancient Temple of the Jews. On the Via Dolorosa, the path of Christ's last journey, countless pilgrims retrace His footsteps on the way to Calvary. Down by the sea, ancient Jaffa perches on a rock, blending into its onetime tiny suburb on the northern dunes—Tel-Aviv, now a vibrant, dynamic metropolis on the shores of the blue Mediterranean. Down in the south, the Negev—rocky, wild, magnificent, ever-changing landscape—Israel's challenge to make the desert bloom again, and its modern capital, Beersheba founded four mil-lenia ago by Abraham. And further south, at the head of the gulf, near King Solomon's copper mines and his ancient port—Elath, a modern town, tourist center and harbor, the gateway to Africa and the Far East. And beneath the shimmering sapphire surface of the bluest of all seas—the Red Sea—its breathtaking, fantasy depassing treasure of coral reefs and fishes.
This lovely volume captures the rich history of this fascinating land, its unique past and extraordinary present, its desolate deserts, verdant valleys, bustling cities, lonely monasteries in the wilderness, modern kibbutzim, Bedouin encampments, science-based industries, ancient synagogues, churches, mosques—the fantastic kaleidoscope of Israel and its people: the Arab and Christian minorities, and the Jews who returned from fifty different countries after nineteen centuries of exile to their ancient homeland to create against hopeless odds a nation and a state.
THE ISRAEL I LOVE is a marvelous portrait of Israel, one to be cherished by everyone who knows it, plans a visit, or holds the heritage of this land precious. This is an Israel you will love and one you will never forget.
Megvásárolható példányok
The Israel I Love The Israel I Love The Israel I Love The Israel I Love The Israel I Love The Israel I Love The Israel I Love The Israel I Love

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