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The Interpretation of Dreams



Kiadó: Penguin Books Ltd
Kiadás helye: Harmondsworth
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 871 oldal
Sorozatcím: The Pelican Freud Library
Kötetszám: 4
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 0-14-02-1738-X
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A beállítást mentettük,
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The Interpretation of Dreams is generál ly agreed to be Freud's major and most originál work. By a detailed investigation of these universal phenomena he discovered a way of exploring the unconscious, recognized that dreams, like neurotic symptoms, are products of a conflict and compromise between conscious and unconscious impulses and was able to classify the differences between the primary and secondary processes of thought - between the modes of functioning in the unconscious and conscious regions of the mind. In addition Freud was led to revise his methods of treatment for neurotic patients by introducing the valuable technical adjunct of dream-interpretation and to develop, largely based on this remarkable work, his revolutionary theories of the Oedipus Complex and of the profound importance of infantile life and sexuality for the development of adults. Although depressed by its initially cool reception, Freud wrote in the Preface to the third English edition: 'It contains,... Tovább


The Interpretation of Dreams is generál ly agreed to be Freud's major and most originál work. By a detailed investigation of these universal phenomena he discovered a way of exploring the unconscious, recognized that dreams, like neurotic symptoms, are products of a conflict and compromise between conscious and unconscious impulses and was able to classify the differences between the primary and secondary processes of thought - between the modes of functioning in the unconscious and conscious regions of the mind. In addition Freud was led to revise his methods of treatment for neurotic patients by introducing the valuable technical adjunct of dream-interpretation and to develop, largely based on this remarkable work, his revolutionary theories of the Oedipus Complex and of the profound importance of infantile life and sexuality for the development of adults. Although depressed by its initially cool reception, Freud wrote in the Preface to the third English edition: 'It contains, even according to my present day judgement, the most valuable of all the discoveries it has been my good fortune to make. Insight such as this falls to one's lot but once in a lifetime.' The Pelican Freud Library Edited by Angéla Richards for the generál reader and based on James Strachey's Standard Edition, this collection of fifteen volumes will be the first fuli paperback edition of Freud's works in English. Cover design by Alan Spain (photo Sigmund Freud Copyrighis Limited) Vissza



Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Sigmund Freud könyvek, művek
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