BIBLE in the Revised Standard Version is
to help the reader gain a deeper under-
standing of the Scriptures. Toward this
end, many useful aids have been provided.
Prefacing each book of the Bible is an
outline of its contents, a discussion setting
forth clearly and concisely its purpose and
theme, and a statement concerning its au-
thorship. These prefatory materials have
been prepared by fifty-nine of the world's
finest Biblical scholars (see back panel for
complete list), whose knowledge and in-
sight make their contributions an invalu-
able guide to the Bible reader.
Five supplementary articles, especially
written for THE HOLMAN STUDY
BIBLE, deal with matters of particular
interest to today's Christian: "New Light
from the Dead Sea Scrolls," by F. F.
Bruce; "The Bible and Modern Science,"
by Carl F. H. Henry; "The Archaeology
of the Bible," by James L. Kelso; "Between
the Testaments," by David H. Wallace;
and "The Chronology...
BIBLE in the Revised Standard Version is
to help the reader gain a deeper under-
standing of the Scriptures. Toward this
end, many useful aids have been provided.
Prefacing each book of the Bible is an
outline of its contents, a discussion setting
forth clearly and concisely its purpose and
theme, and a statement concerning its au-
thorship. These prefatory materials have
been prepared by fifty-nine of the world's
finest Biblical scholars (see back panel for
complete list), whose knowledge and in-
sight make their contributions an invalu-
able guide to the Bible reader.
Five supplementary articles, especially
written for THE HOLMAN STUDY
BIBLE, deal with matters of particular
interest to today's Christian: "New Light
from the Dead Sea Scrolls," by F. F.
Bruce; "The Bible and Modern Science,"
by Carl F. H. Henry; "The Archaeology
of the Bible," by James L. Kelso; "Between
the Testaments," by David H. Wallace;
and "The Chronology of the Bible," by
Donald J. Wiseman. Written with deep
regard for the abiding truths of Scripture,
these articles emphasize the relevance of
the Bible message to the perplexities of
the modern world.
References are placed in the verse for
rapid recognition of related texts. A con-
cordance and handsome full-page maps
in color are additional helps to assist the
reader in a more detailed study of the
Bible and its background.