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The holographic paradigm and other paradoxes

Exploring the Leading Edge of Science


Kiadó: Shambhala
Kiadás helye: Boston
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 301 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 0-87773-238-8
Megjegyzés: További szerzők a kötetben.
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Exploring the leading edge cfscience Prominent scientists and thinkers present in lay language the leading edge of scientific theory, which demonstrates a remarkable similarity to the great mystical traditions of East and West. Many different investigative currents come together in this volume-including Pribram's studies in brain memory and function and Bohm's work in subatomic physics-leading to a new "holographic paradigm." Various interpretations of new researches are represented and hotly debated in this lively, provocative volume. Excerpts: The theory, in a nutshell: Our brains mathematically construct "concrete" reality by interpreting frequencies from another dimension, a realm of meaningful, patternedprimary reality that transcends time and space. The brain is a hologram; interpreting a holographic universe. -Marilyn Ferguson The true state of affairs in the material world is wholeness. If we are fragmented, we must blame it on ourselves. -Dávid Bohm Relativity and, even... Tovább


Exploring the leading edge cfscience Prominent scientists and thinkers present in lay language the leading edge of scientific theory, which demonstrates a remarkable similarity to the great mystical traditions of East and West. Many different investigative currents come together in this volume-including Pribram's studies in brain memory and function and Bohm's work in subatomic physics-leading to a new "holographic paradigm." Various interpretations of new researches are represented and hotly debated in this lively, provocative volume. Excerpts: The theory, in a nutshell: Our brains mathematically construct "concrete" reality by interpreting frequencies from another dimension, a realm of meaningful, patternedprimary reality that transcends time and space. The brain is a hologram; interpreting a holographic universe. -Marilyn Ferguson The true state of affairs in the material world is wholeness. If we are fragmented, we must blame it on ourselves. -Dávid Bohm Relativity and, even more important, quantum mechanics have strongly suggested (though not proved) that the world cannot be analyzed into separate and independently existing parts. Moreover, each part somehow involves all the others: contains them or enfolds them. This fact suggests that the sphere of ordinary material life and the sphere of mystical experience have a certain shared order and that this will allow a fruitful relationship between them. -Dávid Bohm Physicists explore levels of matter; mystics explore levels of mind. What they have in common is that both levels lie beyond ordinary sense perception. -Fritjof Capra Paradox is simply the way nonduality looks to the mentái level. Spirit itself is not paradoxicai; it is not characterizable at all. -Ken Wilber Vissza


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