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The Heinemann English Grammar

Angol nyelvtan haladók számára - An Intermediate Reference and Practice Book

Kiadó: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd
Kiadás helye: Oxford
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 352 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 25 cm x 19 cm
ISBN: 0-435-29218-8
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér illusztrációkkal. A könyv végén tesztek találhatók.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


The Heinemann English Grammar is a fully integrated grammar reference and practice book. It is intended for Intermediate students and is useful for learners above and below this level. This new edition includes a unique 32-page test section for students to measure their progress and diagnose specific weaknesses. Key features: ¦ comprehensive coverage of items ¦ clear, simple explanations and examples ¦ a varigty of stimulating practice exercises ¦ lively illustrations aid understanding ¦ special units contrast different structures ¦ review units revise several structures and test students' understanding of usage ¦ a glossary of grammatical terms ¦ contents pages, index and cross-referencing make it easy for students to use ¦ answer key makes it suitable for self-study


Present continuous1
Present simple2
Present continuous and present simple3
Past simple4
Past continuous5
Present perfect simple6
Gone and been4
Present perfect with just, yet and already8
Present perfect continuous9
Present perfect continuous and present perfect simple10
Present perfect with for and since11
Present perfect and past simple12
Present perfect and present tense13
Past perfect simple14
Past perfect continuous15
Future: will16
Future: going to17
Future: will and going to18
Present continuous for the future19
Future: present continuous and going to20
Present simple for the future21
Present simple for the future after when if, etc22
Future continuous: will be + -ing form23
Future perfect: will have + past participle24
Future in the past: was/were going to25
Continuous forms with always26
Verbs not normally used in the continuous27
Review of the present and the past28
Review of the future29
Imperative and let's30
There is, there are32
Have and have got33
Have for actions34
Modal verbs and related structures
Modal verbs: general35
Ability: can, could, be able to36
Permission: can, could, may, might, be allowed to37
Obligation and necessity (1): must, have to, have got to38
Obligation and necessity (2): mustn't, don't have to, don't need to, haven't got to, needn't39
Review of permission and obligation: can, can't, must, mustn't, needn't be allowed to, have to, don't have to40
Needn't have and didn't need to41
Obligation and advice: sould, ought to, had better, be supposed to, shall42
Possibility: may, might, could43
Possibility: can44
Probability: should, ought to45
Deduction: must, can't46
Review of possibility, probability and deduction: may, might, could, should, ought to, must, can't47
Requests: can, could, may, will, would48
Offers: willl, shall, can, could, would49
Suggestions: shall, let's, why don't we? how/what about? can, could50
Habits: used to, will, would51
Refusals: won't, wouldn't52
Promises and threats: will53
May/might as well54
Other uses of should55
Wish and if only56
Would rather57
It's time58
The passive and have something done
The passive: general59
The passive: infinitive and -ing forms60
Using get instead of be in the passive61
Verbs with two objects in the passive62
The passive with by and with63
It is said that he.../He is said to... etc64
Have something done65
If sentences, conditionals
When and if66
Conditionals: introductions67
Open present or future conditionals68
Unreal present or future conditionals69
Open and unreal present or future conditionals70
Unreal past conditionals71
General conditionals72
Conditionals without if73
Review of conditionals74
Reported speech
Direct and reported speech: introduction75
Say and tell76
Reported statements77
Reported questions78
Using the to infinitive in reported speech79
Review of reported speech80
-ing form and infinitive
-ing form: participle or gerund81
Verb + -ing form or infinitive: introduction82
Verb + -ing form83
Verb + to infinitive84
Verb + question word + to infinitive85
Verb + object + to infinitive86
Verb + -ing form or to infinitive (1)87
Verb + -ing form or to infinitive (2)88
Be used to + -ing form and used to + infinitive89
Need + -ing form or to infinitive90
Infinitive without to91
Preposition + -ing form92
Person + -ing form93
-ing form and to infinitive as subjects94
To infinitive of purpose95
Noun/Pronoun/Adjective + to infinitive96
See someone doingn and see someone do, etc97
Review of -ing form and infinitive98
Participle (-ing and -ed) adjectives99
Participle (-ing) clauses100
Nouns, articles and quantity
Singular and plural nouns (1)101
Singular and plural nouns (2)102
Compound nouns103
Possessive 's (genitive)104
Possessive 's or ...of...?105
Double possessive106
Countable and uncountable nouns107
Articles: a/an and the108
Talking in general: no article and a/an109
Talking in general: the110
Common expressions without articles111
Place names with and without the112
Review of a/an and the113
Quantity: general114
Some and any115
Much, many, a lot of, (a) little, (a) few116
No and none117
All, every, everybody, everything, whole118
Both, either, neither119
Personal pronouns120
Possessive adjectives and pronouns121
Reflexive pronouns122
Review of personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and pronouns and reflexive pronouns123
Something, anything, somebody, anybody, etc125
Form, position and order of adjectives126
Comparative and superlative adjectives127
Review of comparatives, superlatives and as...as129
Adjectives and adverbs of manner130
Adverbs of manner, place and time131
Adverb position with verbs132
Time: still, yet, already133
Time: any more, any longer, no longer134
Adverbs of frequency135
Adverbs of probability136
Fairly, quite, rather and pretty137
Too and enough138
So and such139
Comparison: adverbs140
Negatives, questions and answers
Negative statements141
Yes/No questions142
Wh- questions143
Subject and object questions144
Question words145
Negative questions146
Question tags147
Reply questions148
Indirect questions149
Short answers150
So/neither am I, so/neither do I, so/neither can I, etc151
I think so, I hope so, I expect so, etc152
Relative clauses
Defining relative clauses with who, that and which153
Leaving out who, that and which in defining relative clauses154
Defining relative clauses with whose, where, when and why/that155
Defining and non-defining relative clauses156
Non-defining relative clauses with whose, whom, where and when157
Relative clauses with prepositions + which and whom158
Which referring to a whole clause159
Linking words
Time: when, as, while, as soon as, before, after, until160
Contrast: although, even though, though, in spite of, despite, while, whereas, however161
Reason and result: because (of), as, since, so, as a result, therefore, so/such ... (that)162
Purpose: to, in order to, so as to, for, so that163
Purpose: in case164
Place: at, in, on165
Place and movement: in, into, out of, on, onto, off, inside, outside166
Place and movement: above, below, over, under, underneath, on top of167
Other prepositions of place and movement168
Time: at, in, on169
On time and in time170
At the end and in the end171
Time: in, during, for, while172
Time: by, until, from, to before, after173
Time: for, since, ago, before174
Means of transport: by, on, in175
Like, as and as if176
With (=having) and in (=wearing)177
Adjective + preposition178
Noun + preposition179
Preposition + noun180
Verb + preposition181
Verb + object + preposition182
Review of prepositions183
Indirect objects with or without to and for184
Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs: introduction185
Types of phrasal verbs186
Pronunciation and spelling of endings
Pronunciation of endings: -(e)s and -ed187
Spelling of endings: -(e)s, -ing, -ed, -er, -est, -ly188
Irregular verbs190
Appendix: American English
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