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The Handbook of Critical Care Drug Therapy

Kiadó: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Kiadás helye: Phiadelphia
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 368 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 11 cm
ISBN: 0-7817-9763-2
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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Gregory M. Susla, PharmD, FCCM Anthony F. Suffredini, MD, FCCM Dorothea McAreavey, MD, FACC Michaet A. Solomon, MD, FACC William D. Hoffman, MD THIRD EDITION Paul Nyquist, MD Frederick P. Ognibene. MD, FCCM, FACP James H. Sheihamer, MD Henry Masur, MD, FCCM, FACP Prepared by noted critical care experts at the National Institutes of Health and leading medical centers, this handbook is a quickreference guide perfect for the busy practitioner. Emphasis is on toxicities, compatibilities, and clinical considerations that guide the choice of drug. This thoroughly updated Third Edition includes many new drugs and has an expanded section qn neurologic and psychiatric therapeutics. Features include... • Portable, quick-reference guide to the choice and administration of drugs in critical care • 126 easy-to-scan tables list • drugs of choice for specific clinical situations • dosages, dilutions, and infusion rates • indications and adverse effects of drugs • Third Edition available in both... Tovább


Gregory M. Susla, PharmD, FCCM Anthony F. Suffredini, MD, FCCM Dorothea McAreavey, MD, FACC Michaet A. Solomon, MD, FACC William D. Hoffman, MD THIRD EDITION Paul Nyquist, MD Frederick P. Ognibene. MD, FCCM, FACP James H. Sheihamer, MD Henry Masur, MD, FCCM, FACP Prepared by noted critical care experts at the National Institutes of Health and leading medical centers, this handbook is a quickreference guide perfect for the busy practitioner. Emphasis is on toxicities, compatibilities, and clinical considerations that guide the choice of drug. This thoroughly updated Third Edition includes many new drugs and has an expanded section qn neurologic and psychiatric therapeutics. Features include... • Portable, quick-reference guide to the choice and administration of drugs in critical care • 126 easy-to-scan tables list • drugs of choice for specific clinical situations • dosages, dilutions, and infusion rates • indications and adverse effects of drugs • Third Edition available in both print and PDA formát Vissza
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