This splendid creation is not just an ordi-
nary book. It is a summary of one man's life
who passionately, deeply and unconditionally,
loves the mountains. As well, it is a splendid
portrait of the majestic Rockies. You will see
clearly throughout this volume, his personal
relationship with his beautiful rugged subject.
He is intimate with his beloved Rockies on the
high windy summits, camping on the snow and
ice. George never uses means other than his
hands and feet to get up there. He is a hiker,
scrambler, climber and skier; he is a moun-
tain man with artistic vision, passion and to-
tal determination.
This eclectic edition features almost the
lifelong work of this prolific author of 33
books and encompasses his 30 years of
Rockies' exploration.
Most of the photographs used here were
taken in recent years, some are older, and a
few very old. It is not a secret that George
feels at home on top of a high wind-swept
mountain. People who have never been up...
This splendid creation is not just an ordi-
nary book. It is a summary of one man's life
who passionately, deeply and unconditionally,
loves the mountains. As well, it is a splendid
portrait of the majestic Rockies. You will see
clearly throughout this volume, his personal
relationship with his beautiful rugged subject.
He is intimate with his beloved Rockies on the
high windy summits, camping on the snow and
ice. George never uses means other than his
hands and feet to get up there. He is a hiker,
scrambler, climber and skier; he is a moun-
tain man with artistic vision, passion and to-
tal determination.
This eclectic edition features almost the
lifelong work of this prolific author of 33
books and encompasses his 30 years of
Rockies' exploration.
Most of the photographs used here were
taken in recent years, some are older, and a
few very old. It is not a secret that George
feels at home on top of a high wind-swept
mountain. People who have never been up
there have some problem focusing on the sub-
ject; their tendency is to look up, not down.
An entire book on heights only may be mo-
notonous or boring. So this sumptuous vol-
ume features all aspects of the Rockies, from
high summits to lush, verdant flowery mead-
ows, green lively valleys, mighty rivers and
emerald lakes. It also features some flora and
fauna and close-ups of nature. This eclectic
variety should satisfy the most discriminat-
ing mountain enthusiast.
It is a fact that his humble, but spontane-
ous and honest efforts, have encouraged and
influenced two generations of young moun-
taineers, who pursue this tremendously
healthy sport instead of inhaling toxic smoke
in the bars. For nearly 30 years, nature and
mountain lovers have generously supported
George's publications. This is his way of say-
ing thank you and offering a small reward.
Please accept this ambitious volume at
half the price of its real value, to demonstrate
once again that noble ideas and pecunia do
not go well together. A man of principles of-
fers this gift, a philanthropist who passion-
ately loves mountains, nature and a healthy
lifestyle, and wants only to share with you
his precious and wonderful world of the
Canadian Rockies.
To illustrate the scope of George
Brybycin's climbing, exploration and photog-
raphy, here is a small statistic. George has pho-
tographed all 51 mountains over 11000 ft./
3353m. in the Rockies, except for very remote
Tsar and Harrison. He has also climbed many
of them. Limited size of this volume does not
allow presenting all his photos; in addition,
some of the mountains are not flamboyant
enough to be featured in a 'pretty' pictorial
book. The author has also climbed or photo-
graphed most of the mountains over 10000 ft./
3048m, and as he puts it: "It is a waste of time
going after hills below 10000 ft./3048m."
He seems to be obsessed with high moun-
tains, but concedes that many lesser ones are
also very pretty and worth the click. It has to
be stated with great regret that in order to
climb all mountains in the Rockies, one would
have to live 200 years and published book
would have 1500 pages.
However, an entire book devoted to high
jagged mountains appeals to only a small audi-
ence, thus it is not feasible to publish by a small
press. For this reason, this sumptuous volume
features a rich variety of subjects, from green
valley bottoms to mighty summits of the lofti-
est mountains. Also a quality book of this mag-
nitude, on this large and difficult subject, is
often done by ten or twenty photographers ,
not a single author. So, without bragging, that
may even make George's work just a little more
special or unusual.