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The Good Earth

Kiadó: Pocket Books-Simon & Schuster UK Ltd
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 260 oldal
Sorozatcím: Pocket Books-Fiction
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 18 cm x 11 cm
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A beállítást mentettük,
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It was Wang Lung's marriage day. At first, opening his eyes in the blackness of the curtains about his bed, he could not think why the dawn seemed different from any other. The house was still... Tovább


It was Wang Lung's marriage day. At first, opening his eyes in the blackness of the curtains about his bed, he could not think why the dawn seemed different from any other. The house was still except for the faint, gasping cough of his old father, whose room was opposite to his own across the middle room. Every morning the old man's cough was the first sound to be heard. Wang Lung usually lay listening to it and moved only when he heard it approaching nearer and when he heard the door of his father's room squeak upon its wooden hinges.
But this morning he did not wait. He sprang up and pushed aside the curtains of his bed. It was a dark, ruddy dawn, and through a small square hole of a window, where the tattered paper fluttered, a glimpse of bronze sky gleamed. He went to the hole and tore the paper away.
"It is spring and I do not need this," he muttered.
He was ashamed to say aloud that he wished the house to look neat on this day. The hole was barely large enough to admit his hand and he thrust it out to feel of the air. A small soft wind blew gently from the east, a wind mild and murmurous and full of rain. It was a good omen. The fields needed rain for fruition. There would be no rain this day, but within a few days, if this wind continued, there would be water. It was good. Yesterday he had said to his father that if this brazen, glittering sunshine continued, the wheat could not fill in the ear. Now it was as if Heaven had chosen this day to wish him well. Earth would bear fruit.
He hurried out. into the middle room, drawing on his blue outer trousers as he went, and knotting about the fullness at his waist his girdle of blue cotton cloth. He left his upper body bare
1 Vissza


—Saturday Review
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize
v An all-time classic beloved by millions,
The Good Earth tells the story of the rise of the House of Wang—the family of the Chinese peasant Wang Lung who gloried in the soil he worked.
He held it above his family and above his gods and it sustained him. He held it against the ravages of nature and bandit tribes and he prospered.
He planted the roots of a powerful dynasty-one of wives and concubines and many sons who would betray him.
The HOUSE OF EARTH trilogy
The Good Earth
Sons A House Divided
A Book of the Month Club Alternate

Pearl S. Buck

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The Good Earth The Good Earth The Good Earth The Good Earth

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