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The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English

A Mai Angol Nyelv Oxford Kéziszótára

Kiadó: Oxford University Press
Kiadás helye: Delhi
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Vászon
Oldalszám: 1.368 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 19-561026-1
Megjegyzés: Hatodik kiadás.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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The sixth edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary is the most radical revision yet u undertaken of a dictionary that for over sixty years has held its place as the most widely accepted authority on current English. It" | | contains entries for nearly 40,000 head words, with a totál of 74,000 vocabulary items altogether, including derivatives, • compounds, and abbreviations. The editor has had access to all the material assembled forthe Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary, now in course of * publication, and has taken full account of the manyrhundreds of words and meanings;that have entered the language as a result of scientific and technological change, increased international communication, and innovations in literature and the arts. A line-by-line revision has been made, and every definition reconsidered and rewritten where necessary. American forms are given systematically, and the dictionary now includes a wider rangé of expressions from the rest of the fnglishspeaking... Tovább


The sixth edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary is the most radical revision yet u undertaken of a dictionary that for over sixty years has held its place as the most widely accepted authority on current English. It" | | contains entries for nearly 40,000 head words, with a totál of 74,000 vocabulary items altogether, including derivatives, • compounds, and abbreviations. The editor has had access to all the material assembled forthe Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary, now in course of * publication, and has taken full account of the manyrhundreds of words and meanings;that have entered the language as a result of scientific and technological change, increased international communication, and innovations in literature and the arts. A line-by-line revision has been made, and every definition reconsidered and rewritten where necessary. American forms are given systematically, and the dictionary now includes a wider rangé of expressions from the rest of the fnglishspeaking world outside the British Isles. The new and enlarged Introduction explains the way in which information is presented, and provides full explanatory notes on pronunciation, grammatical inflexión, and etymology. - Users of former editions of this celebrated, dictionary will find that despite the changes the underlying aim of the originál editors still rerhains: to provide a compact but comprehensive and reliable dictionary of modern English suitable for the widest possible use at all levels. Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English

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