The Bible is the most wonderful storybook ever written. It is full oL stories, ali the way from the first chapter of Genesis to the last chapter of Révélation.
These stories have been told over and over again for thousands of years, yet they are new and fresh and fascinating to every generation. They need to he retold today, so that the boys and girls of the twentieth Century may see their beauty and catch their inspiration.
It is one of the strängest paradoxes of our time that just when the Bible is enjoying its widest circulation, millions of copies being sold every year, fewer people thanever seem to be reading it. Because in count-less homes family worship and the reading of the Bible have been neg-lected, and parents themselves seldom open its pages, a whole generation is growing up with little or no knowledge of this wonderful Book.
Most modem children have heard little or nothing about the great Bible characters of ancient times, so familiar to their grandparents. Their heroes are not Daniel, Paul, and Peter, but Dick Tracy and Superman. They have never heard of the love of Jesus, and thus have been robbed of the greatest treasure their minds and hearts could possess. No wonder there is so much juvenile delinquency, youthful vandalism, and lawlessness.
In the author's opinion no greater contribution could be made to the welfare of society and the peace of the world than to lead children to love the Bible—to enjoy its stories, appreciate its teachings, adopt its standards, and find its God.
In writing The Bible Story the author has tried not only to tell the dear old stories in language that boys and girls of today can understand but also to reveal the golden thread which binds them—the love of God for the children of men, and His wondrous plan for their redemption.
The over-all purpose has been to provide what might be called a Bible for children by retelling ali the old familiar stories in language that modem boys and girls can both understand and enjoy.
What fun it is to blow on the dandelion seed balls and see the soft furry partióles fly away into the air. This is how the wind scatters the seeds of trees and of plants everywhere.