This book is an experimentalist's ap-
proach to the understanding of nuclear
phenomena. It deals primarily with the
area in which theory and experiment
meet and is intermediate between the
limiting cases of a theoretical treatise
and of a detailed handbook of experi-
mental techniques. Useful as a stand-
ard text in fundamental nuclear phys-
ics for college graduate students, or as
a reference book for professional work-
ers in all fields bordering on nuclear
physics, this work is characterized by
an unusually broad coverage, involving
most of the entire present field of nu-
clear physics, both "intra-nuclear" and
The author begins the discussion of
each topic at the introductory level,
then carries through intermediate levels
of difficulty into advanced areas of most
recent current research. Special atten-
tion is given in the early chapters to
several fundamental concepts, so that
the reader may learn to think in cen-
This book is an experimentalist's ap-
proach to the understanding of nuclear
phenomena. It deals primarily with the
area in which theory and experiment
meet and is intermediate between the
limiting cases of a theoretical treatise
and of a detailed handbook of experi-
mental techniques. Useful as a stand-
ard text in fundamental nuclear phys-
ics for college graduate students, or as
a reference book for professional work-
ers in all fields bordering on nuclear
physics, this work is characterized by
an unusually broad coverage, involving
most of the entire present field of nu-
clear physics, both "intra-nuclear" and
The author begins the discussion of
each topic at the introductory level,
then carries through intermediate levels
of difficulty into advanced areas of most
recent current research. Special atten-
tion is given in the early chapters to
several fundamental concepts, so that
the reader may learn to think in cen-
ter-of-mass coordinates and may visual-
ize clearly the phenomena of barrier
transmission, particle interactions dur-
ing collisions, and collision cross sec-
tions. The physical aspects receive em-
phasis in the main text, while the
corresponding mathematical details are
treated more fully in the appendix.
To encourage early familiarity with
the original papers, numerous refer-
ences to the pertinent periodical litera-
ture appear throughout. Many practical
illustrations are included to familiarize
the reader with experimental instru-
ments and techniques in nuclear phys-
The aim of this volume is to bring the
reader to a level of competence from
which he can understand the current
research literature, can profitably read
advanced treatises and the many excel-
lent monographs which are now ap-
>t m, and can undertake creative