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Terminal Renal Failure: Therapeutic Problems, Possibilities, and Potentials

International Symposium on Therapy of Renal Failure: Past, Present, and Future, Lund/Malmö, June 9-11, 1989/94 figures and 30 tables

Kiadó: S. Karger AG
Kiadás helye: Bázel
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 251 oldal
Sorozatcím: Contributions to Nephrology
Kötetszám: 78
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 17 cm
ISBN: 3-8055-5086-3
Megjegyzés: Fekete-fehér fotókkal, ábrákkal. További kapcsolódó személyek a kötetben.
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A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


78 Terminal Renal Failure: Therapeutic Problems, Possibilities, and Potentials
Editors: H. Klinkmann, Rostock; L.C. Smeby, Lund
VIII + 252 p„ 94 fig., 30 tab., hard cover, 1990. ISBN 3-8055-5086-3
The ongoing crusade to improve the therapy of patients with terminál renal failure (TRF) occupies
a central position in renal research. This volume, arising out of an international symposium, ^ testifies to the enormous efforts being made in this regard and the fruitful cooperation between " science and industry. Opening with an historical overview of renal failure therapy dedicated to Nils
Alwall, the following papers elaborate selected topics in TRF. Leading experts discuss complica-tions, and progression, metabolic and cardiovascular problems in chronic renal failure, compare the quantity and quality of treatment around the world, and probe the potential of new technical developments. Stimulating discussions conclude each presentation.
Reflecting on the history of renal... Tovább


78 Terminal Renal Failure: Therapeutic Problems, Possibilities, and Potentials
Editors: H. Klinkmann, Rostock; L.C. Smeby, Lund
VIII + 252 p„ 94 fig., 30 tab., hard cover, 1990. ISBN 3-8055-5086-3
The ongoing crusade to improve the therapy of patients with terminál renal failure (TRF) occupies
a central position in renal research. This volume, arising out of an international symposium, ^ testifies to the enormous efforts being made in this regard and the fruitful cooperation between " science and industry. Opening with an historical overview of renal failure therapy dedicated to Nils
Alwall, the following papers elaborate selected topics in TRF. Leading experts discuss complica-tions, and progression, metabolic and cardiovascular problems in chronic renal failure, compare the quantity and quality of treatment around the world, and probe the potential of new technical developments. Stimulating discussions conclude each presentation.
Reflecting on the history of renal replacement therapy and indicating future directions, this book will be interesting reading for the physician or scientist dealing with the clinical problems posed by kidney failure. Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
Terminal Renal Failure: Therapeutic Problems, Possibilities, and Potentials Terminal Renal Failure: Therapeutic Problems, Possibilities, and Potentials Terminal Renal Failure: Therapeutic Problems, Possibilities, and Potentials Terminal Renal Failure: Therapeutic Problems, Possibilities, and Potentials Terminal Renal Failure: Therapeutic Problems, Possibilities, and Potentials

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12.000 Ft
6.000 ,-Ft 50
30 pont kapható