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Siintävät saaret, välkkyvät vedet/Shimmering islands, sparkling waters


Kiadó: Weilin + Göösin
Kiadás helye: Helsinki
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Fűzött keménykötés
Oldalszám: 128 oldal
Nyelv: Finn   Angol  
Méret: 28 cm x 22 cm
ISBN: 951-35-4902-X
Megjegyzés: Színes fotókkal.
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A beállítást mentettük,
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Siintavat saaret, valkkyvat vedet
on ylistys suomalaisen jarviluonnon kauneudelle ja moni-ilmeisyydelle.
Pohjolan vuodenaikojen vaihtelu tuntuu parhaiten rannoilla ja vesilla. Suuri jarvi on muutakin kuin kesai-sia poutapilvia ja kirkkaita laineita. Se on myos syysmyrskyja ja kaa-mosajan hamaraa sinisyytta aavalla jaalakeudella.
Saimaan kaltaisen luonnonkau-neuden sailyminen on perinto, josta meidan on pidettava huolta.
Shimmering Islands, Sparkling Waters is a hymn of praise to the beauty and variety of the Finnish lake scenery.
The changing seasons of the North are best experienced on the shores and waters. The vast lake is more than summer clouds reflected in the bright waves. It is also autumn storms and the dusky blue of the sunless winter hanging over the endless expanses of ice.
The natural beauty of an area like Saimaa is a heritage that we must treasure and guard.
TAPANI RASANEN (born 1954), who took most of the photographs for this book, comes from... Tovább


. - i ¦
Siintavat saaret, valkkyvat vedet
on ylistys suomalaisen jarviluonnon kauneudelle ja moni-ilmeisyydelle.
Pohjolan vuodenaikojen vaihtelu tuntuu parhaiten rannoilla ja vesilla. Suuri jarvi on muutakin kuin kesai-sia poutapilvia ja kirkkaita laineita. Se on myos syysmyrskyja ja kaa-mosajan hamaraa sinisyytta aavalla jaalakeudella.
Saimaan kaltaisen luonnonkau-neuden sailyminen on perinto, josta meidan on pidettava huolta.
Shimmering Islands, Sparkling Waters is a hymn of praise to the beauty and variety of the Finnish lake scenery.
The changing seasons of the North are best experienced on the shores and waters. The vast lake is more than summer clouds reflected in the bright waves. It is also autumn storms and the dusky blue of the sunless winter hanging over the endless expanses of ice.
The natural beauty of an area like Saimaa is a heritage that we must treasure and guard.
TAPANI RASANEN (born 1954), who took most of the photographs for this book, comes from Joutseno and has been a wildlife photographer for 15 years. His main theme has always been birds, and he has found his most interesting subjects in gardens, in the lakes where birds nest, and particularly in Lake Sai-maa. In addition to birds, he has recently begun to photograph nature in a wider context.
Lake Saimaa is an essential part of Tapani Rasanen's life. He was born and has lived near its shores, it is the favourite destination for his excursions into nature and theme of his photography. He always carries his cameras with him when he travels in the Saimaa area, recording the varied aspects of its unique nature and wildlife at all seasons.
His years of hard work in the field of wildlife and nature photography have brought him many distinctions in the form of prizes, exhibitions and scholarships. His first book "Pi-hapiirin lintuja" (Common Birds of the Garden), was published in 1989. He is now working on the second volume. Vissza


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Saimaa Saimaa Saimaa Saimaa Saimaa Saimaa

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