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Kézirat/Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar

Kiadó: Tankönyvkiadó Vállalat
Kiadás helye: Budapest
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Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 573 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 29 cm x 20 cm
Megjegyzés: Kézirat. Megjelent 260 példányban. 6. változatlan utánnyomás. További kapcsolódó személyek a könyvben. Tankönyvi szám: J2-210.
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William WORDSWORTH /1770-1850/
At the corner of Wood Street, when daylight appears, Hangs a Thrush that sings loud, it has sung for three years; Poor Susan has passed... Tovább


William WORDSWORTH /1770-1850/
At the corner of Wood Street, when daylight appears, Hangs a Thrush that sings loud, it has sung for three years; Poor Susan has passed by the spot, and has heard In the silence of morning the song of the Bird.
'Tis a note of enchantment; what ails her? She sees A mountain ascending, a vision of trees? Bright volumes of vapour through Lothbury glide, And a river flows on through the vale of Cheapside.
Gr:ca pastures she views in the midst of the dale, Down which she so often has tripped with her pail; And a single small cottage, a nest like a dove's, The one only dwelling on earth that she loves.
She looks, and her heart is in heavens but they The mist and the river, the hill and the shade: The stream will not flow, and the hill will not And the colours have all passed away from her
Written in Early Spring
I heard a thousand blended notes, V/hile in a grove I sate reclined, In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts Bring sad thoughts to the mind.
To her fair works did Nature link The human soul that through me ran; And much it grieved my heart to think What man has made of man.
Through primrose tufts, in that green bower, The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;
Lothbury, Cheapside: large streets in the City of London,
rise, eyes!
- 21 - Vissza


William Wordsworth /1770-1850/
The Reverie of Poor Susan . . . .
Lines Written in Early Spring
To My Sister
She Dwelt Among .
Three Years She Grew
A Slumber Bid My Spirit Seal
The Solitary Reaper «
I Wandered Lonely
Lines Composed a Pew Miles Above Tintern Abbey. Resolution and Independence
It is a Beauteous Evening
Composed Upon Westminster Bridge
The World is too Much with Us .
After-Thought /I thought of Thee/
London, 1802
To Toussaint L'Ouverture
On the Extinction of the Venetian Republic . . Thought of a Briton on the Subjugation of
switz6rl32ld ••o«o»«o ooooqooooo
Upon the Sight of a Beautiful Picture jE}i.@LLzLac Stanzas «••9oooo«*ccoooo Extempore Effusion Upon the Death of James Hogg
Nil if "t eo90o«ooooooooaeoooo
The Recluse
The Prelude
Book I. Childhood and School-Time » . . Book III. Residence at Cambridge . . . Book IV. Summer Vacation . .
Book VI. The SimpIon Pass
Book IX» Residence in Prance « . . . . , Book X. Residence in Prance /continued/ Book XI. Prance /concluded/
Book XIV. Conclusion
Samuel Taylor Coleridge /1772-1834-/
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Part XooeaoccoGOooooooooo
Part IV.
Fart V. .
Part VII,
Part I. .
21 22 23
26 29 32
ä 34
47 47 49
i? 51
_ _
Kubla Khan . . . . «.« • - • •
Lpwti Or the Circassian Love-Chaunt
Religious Musings
Fire, Famine, and Slaughters War Eclogue
France; An Ode •
Frost at Midnight 58
Dejection: An Ode ou
The Pains of Sleep . fl
The Knight's Tomb 62
Youth and Age 62
Love's First Hope 63
Work Without Hope 64
Epitaph , <• 64
Robert Southey /1774-184-3/
The Well of St. Keyne 65
The Battle of Blenheim 66
The Cataract of Lodore 68
Sir Walter Scott /1771-1832/
The Lay of "the Last Minstrel
Introduction,. 70
Canto Vl.vii/- ?0
Gellatley's Song to the Deerhounds 71
Proud Maisie 72
Where Shall the Lover Rest 72
Coronach 73
Gathering Song of Donald the Black 73
George Gordon, Lord Byron /1788-1824/
When We Two Parted 75
So, We'll Go no More a Roving 75
Stanzas for Music . 76
Hebrew Melodies ?6
She Walks in Beauty og
My Soul is Dark 77
tn of the Sleenlesa» » « • • 77
the Rivers or Babylon We Sat Down and Wept . UU
e Destruction of the Sennacherib 4>g
Song for the Luddites ?0
Prometheus . . ?0
Stanzas for Music . 81
Darkness 82
Fare Thee Well 82
On this Day I Complete my Thirty-Sixth Year 85
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage a.
Canto the Third
Canto the Fourth 90
The Vision of Judgment.
Don Juan
Canto the Second. - Juan and Haidee 97
Canto the Eleventh.- First Impressions of oq
Percy Bysshe Shelley /1792-1822/
Stanzas 101

Stanzas Written in Dejection, Near Naples 102
Song to the Men of England 103
Sonnet: England in 1819 104
Ode to the West Wind 104
The Indian Serenade. 106
The Waning Moon 106
To the Moon 107
The Cloud 107
Hymn of Apollo 108
Hymn of Pan 109
Death 110
Summer and Winter 110
Song /from Charles the First, Scene 7/ Ill
The World's Wanderers Ill
To- 112
To Night 112
Song 113
A Lament 114
Remembrance 114
lines: When the Lamp is Shattered 115
Fragment: When Soft Winds 115
To Jane:.The Recollection 116
The Revolt of Islam 117
Canto V. The Feast of Equality 117
Canto IX, The Spring of Revolution 118
Canto 120
Julian and Maddalo . . 121
The Mask of Anarchy 122
Prometheus Unbound . 123
Epipsychidion 125
Adonais . 129
Hellas . 132
John Keats /1797-1821/
On First Looking into Champman's Homer 135
On the Grasshopper and Cricket 135
Written on the Day that Mr Leigh Hunt Left Prison . 136
To Kosciusko . 136
Sonnet on Peace 136
To One Who has been Long in City Pent 137
Happy is England! 137
Sleep arid Poetry 137
La Belle Dame Sans Merci /Final Version/ 138
Endymion: A Poetic Romance
Preface 140
Book I. 140
Book I 142
Ode to a Nightingale 143
Ode on a Grecian Urn , , 145
To Autumn 1 146
When I have Fears . 146
Bright Star! /Final Version/ 147
Thomas Moore /1779-1852/
The Light of Other Days 148
At the Mid Hour of Night 148
Forget not the Field 149
- 5 -
Walter Savage Lander /I775-1864/
Mother, -L cannot Mind my Wheel 150
Autumn * ^

On his Seventy-Fifth Birthday 151
Alfred Tennyson /1809-1892/ The lady of Shalott
The Lotos-Eaters 156
Choric Song 157
Ulysses 160
Morte d'Arthur 161
locksley Hall 163
locksley Hall Sixty Years After 165
In Memoriam
1III 167
1IV . 16?
LV 168
CVI 168
CXXX •«* • eo. 169
Songs from The Princess; A Medley 170
The Eagle . . 171
Break, break, break . 172
Milton 172
To Virgil 173
Crossing the Bar 174
Robert Browning /1812-1889/
Home-Thoughtss from Abroad 175
Home-Thoughts, from the Sea ,0 175
Meeting at Night . . 176
Parting at Morning 176
The Ancient Doctrine 176
The Lost Mistress 177
My Last Duchess 177
Pictor Ignotus 17S
A Toccata of Galuppi's 180
Porphyria's lover 18.2
Abt Vogler 184
Prospice o . 187
Summum Bonum 187
A Pearl, a Girl 188
Epilogue to 'Asolando'. 188
Elizabeth Barrett Browning /1806-1861/ Sonnets from the Portuguese
love 189
If Thou Must love Me . 189
The Cry of the Children . . . 190

Thomas Hood /1799-1845/
Past and Present 192
The Song of the Shirt 193
Alfred Fennel
The Red Flag 195
Ernest Charles Jones /1819-1869/
The Song of the lower Classes 196
Gerald Massey /1828-1907/
The %n of "Forty-Eight" 198
William Morris /1834-1896/
The Earthly Paradise
An Apology
Summer Dawn
Chants for Socialists
The March of the Workers 202
Arthur Hugh Clough /1819-1861/
Say not the Struggle Naught Availeth
Emily Bronte /1818-1848/
The Prisoner 204
Last Lines 205
George Eliot /1819-1880/
The Choir Invisible 206
Matthew Arnold /1822-1888/
The Scholar Gipsy 208
Sonnet to the Hungarian Nation 211
Dover Beach 211
Dante Gabriel Kossetti /1828-J.882/
The Blessed Damozel 213
The House of Life
Sonnet L. The One Hope . 216
Sonnets for Pictures
For 'Our Lady of the Rocks' 217
My Sister's Sleep 217
Christina ueorgina ftossetti /1830-1894/
A Birthday p-m
Song 219
Uphill . 226
Remember • • • ° . . . 220
Alice Meynell /184-7-1922/
Renouncement o?i
, - • a o o.® 0 0 000 00 r f I
William Ernest Heo.ley¦/1849-1903/
Unconquerable * 22?
George Meredith /1828-1909/
Love in the Valley 223
Nature and Life * 225
uirge in Woods 226
Winter Heavens 226
Algernon Charles Swinburne /1837-1909/ Atalanta in Calydon
When the Hounds of Spring 227
The Triumph of Time
The Sea 228
I Hid my Heart in a Nest of Roses . 229
A Match . . 230
A Ballad of Burdens 231
Hymn of Man 233
Parody on Himself 233
Lewis Carrol /1832-1898/
Misapprehesions 235
Jabberwocky 236
Edward ^ear /1812-1888/
The Owl and the Pussy Cat 237
Edward Fitz Gerald /1809-1883/
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam of Naishapur 238
John Davidson /1857-1909/
Piper, Play! 242
The Durham Lock-Out 244
A.E. Housman /1859-1936/
A Shropshire Lad
XII . 246
XVII 247
XLVIII . 248
LIV 248
Last Poems
XII 249
XXXVIII Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries 249
More Poems
Easter Hymn 250
Robert Louis Stevenson /1850-1894/ Romance
In the Highlands 251
Requiem . 252
Gerard %nley Hopkins /1844-1889/
Heaven-Haven 253
Pied Beauty 253
The Wreck of the Deutsehland 253
Thomas Hardy /1840-1928/
At Lulworth Cove a Centum Back 256
Afterwards . 257
Weathers 257
Beeny Cliff . 259
The Darkling Thrush 258
In Time of "The Breaking of Nations" 259
George Gordon, Lord Byron /1788-1824/
Act III 263
Marino Faliero: Doge of Venice
Preface 266
Act III. Scene II 266
Percy Bysshe Shelley /1792-1822/ The Cenci
Act V, Scene II 270
Sir Arthur Wing ^inero /1855-1934/
The Second Mrs. Tanqueray
Act III 274
Henry Arthur Jones /1851-1929/
Michael and his Lost Angel
Act I 277
Oscar Wilde /1854-1900/
The Importance of Being Earnest
Act I , 280
P I C T I 0
Sir Walter Scott /1771-1832/
A Highland nost 287
A Highland Peast 288
- 9 -
The Outlaws 291
Queen Elizabeth Enters Kenllworth 293
Charles Iamb /1775-1834/
tetter to Wordsworth , 296
Essays of Elia 297
Dream Children , 297
All Pool'« Day 299
New Year s Eve
Walter Savage Landor /1775-1864/
Pericles and Aspasia
The Society of a Child
Imaginary Conversations
Immortality 302
Thomas De Quincey /1735-1859/
The Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
Opium Dreams 304
Thomas love Peacock /1785-I866/
Nightmare Abbey
Mr. Flosky the Transcendentalist 306
Crotchet Castle
The Venuses at Crotchet 309
Frederick Marryat /I792-1848/
Peter Simple
A Sample of Captain Kearney 310
Mr. Midshipman Easy
Naval Politeness 312
Edward Bulwer Lord Lytton /1803-1873/
The Last Days of Pompeii
Chapter I . 314
Benjamin Disraeli /1804-1881/
Henrietta Temple
Assembly 316
Black Shop 318
Charles Klngsley /1819-1875/ Alton Locke
Sweat Shop 320
Effects of Drudgery 322
Charles Dickens /1812-1870/
Sketches by Boz
The Prison Chapel at Newgate 326
The Pickwick Papers
The Shooting Party . >c<
The Two Wellers . . • 328
A Debtor's Prison . . 330
Martin Chuzzlewit
Freedom of Opinion in America 332
A Slave 333
Mrs. Gamp off Duty 334
Dombey and Son
What's Money . 33°
Bleak House
The London Fog . • • 33°
Hard Times .,T. 339
The One Thing Heedful 139
Murdering the Innocents 340
Stephen Blackpool 342
Elizabeth ^leghorn Gaskell /1810-186f/ Mary Barton
Years of Depression 344
Cranford Society 346
Charlotte Bronte /1816-1855/ Jane Eyre
At Lowood 349
The First Meeting of Jane and Rochester 352 Introduction to Wuthering ^eights . . 356
Emily Bronte /1818-1848/
Wuthering "eights
Heathcliff at Catherine's Deathbed 357
Heathcliff Rejoins Catherine 36I
Anne Bronte /1820-1849/ Agnes Grey
Governess 365
William Makepeace Thackeray /1811-1863/ Book of Snobs
On Clerical Snobs 367
Vanity Fair
?rfvaie^and^Bonlideniial* *. I ! I I 369
How to Live Well on Nothing a Year ?AY
History of Henry Esmond
Reconciliation 372
The Wits of Queen Anne's Reign 373
George Borrow /1803-1881/ Lavengro
The King of the Vipers 376
What is Death? . 379
- 11 -
Charles Read /1814-1884/
The Cloister and the Hearth
The 381
Anthony Trollope /1815-1882/
Barchester Towers
Mrs. ^roudie's Reception 385
George Lliot /1819-1880/
The Mill on the Floss
Mr. Tulliver and the Uncles and Aunts 388
Silas Marner
The New Year's Present 391
A Roman Honeymoon 393
George Meredith /1828-1909/
The Ordeal of Richard Feverel
A Diversion Played on a Penny-Whistle . 396
The Egoist
Beware of Marrying an Egoist 397
Lewis Carroll /1832-1898/
Alice in Wonderland
A Mad Tea-Party 402
Samuel Sutler /1835-1902/ Erewhon
The Musical Banks 406
Erewhon Revisited
Justice in Erewhon 408
The Way of All Flesh
Pater Familias Caught Red-Handed 410
Ernest Decides to uut His Family 411
Robert Louis Stevenson /1850-1894/
virginibus Puerisque
El Dorado 414
Walking Tours 4X6
Treasure Island
The Sea Chest . 418
Mark Rutherford /1831-19J3/
Pages from a Journal
Injustice 422
Mark Rutherford's Deliverance . 423
A Londoner's Holiday 423
"J-homas Hardy /1840-1928/
Far from the Madding Crowd
Midnight on St. Thomas's Eve . 425
- 12 -
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
The. Maiden ••••••••*
Justice was Done •••••••••••
A Pew Crusted Characters
Absent-Mindedness in a Parish Choir , . .
George Gissing /1857-1903/
Private Papers of Henry Hyecroft
a/ Criticism of Literature and Pine Art
William Wordsworth /1770-1850/
Preface to Lyrical Ballads
Poetiy and Poetic Diction '. 437
Samuel Taylor Coleridge /1772-1834/
Biographia Literaria 439
Essays and Lectures on Shakespeare's Dramas 440
Characteristics of Shakespeare's Dramas 442
Notes on the "Tempest" 44.3
"Anthony and Cleopatra" 444
Notes on "Othello" . 444
lectures on Shakespeare and Milton
John Keats /1795-1821/ Letters
Letter !46
Letter 51 446
Letter 64 447
Letter 90 447
Letter 93 448
The Quarterly Review
Endymion, A poetic Romance 449
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine
The Revolt of Islam 454
Percy Bysshe Shelley./1792-1821/
A Defence of Poetry
Poetry 456
Poets as legislators 457
Poetry and Prose 458
60-1472 - 13 -
William Hazlitt /1778-1830/
lectures on the English Comic Writers
The Spirit of Humanity in Shakespeare 460 lectures on the English Poets
The Lake Poets 41
The Spirit of the Age
William Godwin • • 462
On the Ignorance of the Learned • 465
Thomas De Quincey /I785-1859/
On the Knocking at the Gate in "Macbeth" 470
Thomas Babington Macaulay /1800-1859/ Critical and Historical Essays
John Bunyan
Sssay on Lord'Bacon 47?
Essay on Milton 477
James Henry Leigh Hunt /I784-1859/
Imagination and Fancy
Fiction and Matter of Fact 479
Thomas Frost /1821-1908/
Scott, Byron and Shelley 482
Gerald Massey /1828-1907/
Petofy the People's Poet of Hungary . 484
John Stuart Mill /I8O6-I873/
Thoughts on Poetry and Its Varieties 486
Matthew Arnold /1822-1888/
Preface to Poems, 1853
Essays in Criticism 492
ideas in England 492
Culture and Anarchy
Sweetness and Light 493
Walter Bagehot /1826-1877/
Estimates of Some Englishmen and Scotchmen
Gibbon's Style 495
John Ruskin /1819-1900/ Praeterita
Dr Johnson's *rose . 497
Stones of Venice
The Function of Architecture 497
George Meredith /1828-1909/
On the Idea of Comedy 499
- 14 -
Algernon Charles Swinburne /1837-1909/
A Study of Shakespeare Shakespeare's Middle leriod
Philip the Bastard in "King John" 500
Byron 501
Walter Horatio Pater /1839-189V Style
The Aescethicism of the Devoted Stylist 502 Studies in the History of the Renaissance
Mona Lisa 504
Oscar Wilde /1856-1900/
Essays and Lectures
The English Renaissance of Art . 506
Preface to Dorian Gray 508
George Robert Gissing /1857-1903/
Realism in Fiction <509
b/ Biography
Robert Southey /1774-1843/
Life of Nelson 513
George Gordon, Lord Byron /1788-1824/
Letters and Journals
The Bitterness of Exile S15
John Gibson Lockhart /1794-1854/
Life of Sir Walter Scott 516
James Henry Leigh Hunt /1784-1859/ Autobiography
The Burning of Shelley's Body 517
Oscar Wilde /1856-1900/
De Profundis , 519
c/ Travel
Alexander William Kinglake /1809-1891/ Eothen
The Desert „ qp-,
The Sphinx I ! ! ! ! ! I 524
Charles Montague Doughty /184-3-1926/
Travel in Arabia Déserta
The Desert Day 525
- 15 -
d/ History and Movement of Ideas
William Godwin /1756-1836/
Political Justice
General Features of Democracy 529
Benefits Attendent on a System of Equality . . 529
George Gordon, Lord Byron /1788-1824/
Death penalty for Machine Wrecking 53I
Thomas Carlyle /1795-1881/
Sartor Resartus . 535
The French Revolution
The End of Robespierre 536
Past and Present
Work and Wages 538
The Condition of England ^
John Henry Newman /1801-1890/
The Idea of a University
The Educated Man 541
The Gentleman 542
An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent
The Classics . 543
John Stuart Mill /1806-1873/ .
Dissertations and Discussions
Coleridge 544
On Liberty
Individual Liberties 545
Thomas Babington Macaulay /1800-1859/
The History of England
London Coffee-Houses 54/
James Anthony Froude /1818-1894/
Histoiy of England
The Old Order Changeth 551
The Last of the Armada . 551
John Richard Green /1837-1883/
A Shm If^iSfe^tndYei^l?!^6 553
John Ruskin /1819-1900/
Unto this Last
A Criticism of Capitalistic Economy 555
Sesame and Lilies
Education for Girls 556
- 16 -
William Morris /1834-1896/
Hopes and Pears for Art
Art and the Social Order 558
lectures'on Socialism . . . . 559
News from Nowhere
On the Lack of Incentive to ^abour in a Communist
Society 561
e/ Science and Social Thought
Charles "obert Darwin /1809-1882/
The Origin of Species
The Principle of Natural Selection 567
The Descent of Man . . 568
Man and the Animal World 559
Thomas Henry Huxley /1825-1895/
Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews
The Reception of The "Origin of Species" . . . 591 Evolution and Ethics _
Rejection of the ethics of Violence r9.
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