
kiadvánnyal nyújtjuk Magyarország legnagyobb antikvár könyv-kínálatát

A kosaram
5000 Ft
a(z) 5000Ft-os

Swallowing Grandma


Kiadó: BCA
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 336 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 22 cm x 13 cm
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


Kaiherine Alíiíar i\s eighieen, and desperaie -for iois oí ihings - io be ihinner and 1ess swoii\j, and io have cooler íríend^ Bui mosi oí all she wishes ihai she had iwo pareni^ msiead oí one grandma, Poll. Kaiherine s íaiher, Poll 5 adored onl^ son, -was Killed in a car cra^h when she was a bafc\). According io Poll, ihe crash was ihe íauü oí Kaiherines moiher, who disappeared shorüvj aíierwards and hasn'i been seen since Poll Is pushing seveni^, halí-blind and u+ierl^ poisonous Her ambiiion is íor ihings +0 sia^ exac+l\) ihe same íor ever, and íor Kaiherine never +0 leave iheir pü village oí Bank Top-, indeed íor her io leave ihe house onkj when siricilvj v\ecessar\j. Kaiherine has o+her ideas, especiall^ when on her birihda^ she receives a m^sierious parcel oí glamorous, grown-up cloihes - so unhKe ihe ones Poll makes her wear /And ihen ihe handsome and selí-assured Gallum +ums up, ciatming +0 be a cousin she never knew she had. Kaiherine can íeel ihai change is coming-, ihe... Tovább


Kaiherine Alíiíar i\s eighieen, and desperaie -for iois oí ihings - io be ihinner and 1ess swoii\j, and io have cooler íríend^ Bui mosi oí all she wishes ihai she had iwo pareni^ msiead oí one grandma, Poll. Kaiherine s íaiher, Poll 5 adored onl^ son, -was Killed in a car cra^h when she was a bafc\). According io Poll, ihe crash was ihe íauü oí Kaiherines moiher, who disappeared shorüvj aíierwards and hasn'i been seen since Poll Is pushing seveni^, halí-blind and u+ierl^ poisonous Her ambiiion is íor ihings +0 sia^ exac+l\) ihe same íor ever, and íor Kaiherine never +0 leave iheir pü village oí Bank Top-, indeed íor her io leave ihe house onkj when siricilvj v\ecessar\j. Kaiherine has o+her ideas, especiall^ when on her birihda^ she receives a m^sierious parcel oí glamorous, grown-up cloihes - so unhKe ihe ones Poll makes her wear /And ihen ihe handsome and selí-assured Gallum +ums up, ciatming +0 be a cousin she never knew she had. Kaiherine can íeel ihai change is coming-, ihe omens are all around her Xn ihe vneaniime, she cleans up aíier Poll, revises íor her exams, waiches dayhme felevision and surís ihe nei ai ihe librar^ ir^ing +0 ímd oui how +0 be bulimic Whaf she doesn i quiie rea\\z.e vjei is ihai lííe won'i alwa^s waii íor \iou +0 caich up wiih ü. is a percepüve, vivid and painfulKj íunn\) növel aboui ihe iies oí love and loaihing, and ihe wa^s in which our vers'\ov\s oí ihe pasi can ihwari our visions íor ihe íuiure Xn Kaiherine and Poll, Kaié Long has creaieá iwo uníorgeiiable dc\cxrac\ers iocked in an epic baüle over whose side oí ihe sior^ will ulümaielvj prevail Vissza

Kate Long

Kate Long műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Kate Long könyvek, művek
Megvásárolható példányok
Swallowing Grandma Swallowing Grandma Swallowing Grandma

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2.480 Ft
1.240 ,-Ft 50
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