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Slow Hand

Women Writing Erotica


Kiadó: HarperCollinsPublishers
Kiadás helye: London
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott kemény papírkötés
Oldalszám: 228 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 24 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 0-06-016598-7
Megjegyzés: További szerzők a kötetben.
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Slow Hand: Women Writing Erotica is an exciting anthol-ogy of new erotic stories by women, for women. In a world where men still expect to make the first move, this collection of nineteen tantalizing stories gives women tbeir chance to ha ve the last word.
Slow Hand is a book for those who boldly wish to explore the territory of passión. But most of all it is for those readers who know full weli that erotic writing by women is like no other: in art as in life, timing is every-thing.
Michele Slung writes in her introduction: "My main hope is that readers new to the audacious genre of women's erotica—readers both female and male—who pick up Slow Hand out of curiosity will enjoy and appreci-ate the sensual/sexual explorations they encounter here. All responses are legitimate, backgrounds and natures dif-fering as they do> yet I can't help but hope that the book Fve assembled will turn out to be the best kind of seduc-er [I]n its compelling rhythm and its surprises, Slow
Hand... Tovább


Slow Hand: Women Writing Erotica is an exciting anthol-ogy of new erotic stories by women, for women. In a world where men still expect to make the first move, this collection of nineteen tantalizing stories gives women tbeir chance to ha ve the last word.
Slow Hand is a book for those who boldly wish to explore the territory of passión. But most of all it is for those readers who know full weli that erotic writing by women is like no other: in art as in life, timing is every-thing.
Michele Slung writes in her introduction: "My main hope is that readers new to the audacious genre of women's erotica—readers both female and male—who pick up Slow Hand out of curiosity will enjoy and appreci-ate the sensual/sexual explorations they encounter here. All responses are legitimate, backgrounds and natures dif-fering as they do> yet I can't help but hope that the book Fve assembled will turn out to be the best kind of seduc-er [I]n its compelling rhythm and its surprises, Slow
Hand exists to reflect the needs and desires of its audience."
Slow Hand: Women Writing Erotica is an anthology of stories in which women art-fully explore their own erotic terrain. To create this newest of her popular antholo-gies, Michele Slung challenged women— straight and gay, old and young, journal-ists, poets, academics, women whose job descriptions rangé from "anthropologist" to "performance artist," as well as profes-sional novelists and short story writers—to turn her on. And from across the United States, Canada, and Great Britain, a vari-ety of daring and talented women, hearing that she was putting together a book to reflect their most intimate sexual selves, enthusiastically responded.
Michele Slung has collected the best of these pieces in Slow Hand, offering page after page of tantalizing sensual adventure for our reading—and feeling—pleasure. But whether the stories stay as close to home as a familiar partner's embrace or whether they move into the darker recesses of extraordinary desires and even more extraordinary experiences, the special quality shared by these tales is their ability to seduce us.
So while the mood of this collection is indeed slow (in all the right ways), it's cer-tain that your pulse will quicken. Vissza


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