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Stupid White Men

...and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation!

New York
Kiadó: HarperCollins Publishers
Kiadás helye: New York
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Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 279 oldal
Sorozatcím: ReganBooks
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 20 cm x 13 cm
ISBN: 0-06-098726-x
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In the winter of 2002, Stupid White Men took America-and the world-by storm. Tired and skep-tical of George W. Bush's high approval ratings, frightened by the Impllcatlons of the Enron scandal-and generally just looking for a voice of honest dissent in the thick atmosphere of jingoism that followed 9/11-book buyers from coast to coast swlftly embraced Michael Moore's in-your-face anti-Bush-era manlfesto, making it one of the best-selling nonfiction books of the past decade. After (Jwenty years of America's two political partles morph-ihg together and moving further and further to the flight, and with corporate power at an all-tlme high, Stupid White Men expressed the anger and will of an American public searching for a way to strike back. And strike back they dld, as the liberal majority found its voice and charged forward-thanks in part to Stupid White Men kicking open the doors.
With an unerring eye for greed, hypocrisy, and corruption, Michael Moore takes on the whole ugly... Tovább


In the winter of 2002, Stupid White Men took America-and the world-by storm. Tired and skep-tical of George W. Bush's high approval ratings, frightened by the Impllcatlons of the Enron scandal-and generally just looking for a voice of honest dissent in the thick atmosphere of jingoism that followed 9/11-book buyers from coast to coast swlftly embraced Michael Moore's in-your-face anti-Bush-era manlfesto, making it one of the best-selling nonfiction books of the past decade. After (Jwenty years of America's two political partles morph-ihg together and moving further and further to the flight, and with corporate power at an all-tlme high, Stupid White Men expressed the anger and will of an American public searching for a way to strike back. And strike back they dld, as the liberal majority found its voice and charged forward-thanks in part to Stupid White Men kicking open the doors.
With an unerring eye for greed, hypocrisy, and corruption, Michael Moore takes on the whole ugly mess of America at the dawn of the twenty-first Century. Whether he's demanding U.N. action to overthrow the Bush Family Junta or wondering why
alrline pilots quallfy for food stamps, Stupid White Men is a pitch-perfect skewering of our culture of Malfeasance and Mediocrity.
MICHAEL MO ORE, Oscar-Winning director of the documentarles Bowling for Columbine, Roger & Me, and Fahrenheit 9/11, is also the author of the New York Times bestsellers Dude, Where's My Country?, Downsize Thls! and (with Kathleen Glynn) Adventures in a IV Natlon.'Ihe Emmy-winning creator and host of two TV series, TV Nation and The Awful Truth, he lives in NewYbrk City and Michigan.
Cóver design anil illust'átion by R R. Brown @ Bau-da Design Lab . FöveyihDtMraphs by Brian Stanton
An Imprint of HárperCoflins/'aí&Am www.reganbooks.com |
ISBN 0-06-098726-


9780060987268 Vissza



Michael Moore

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