The Dangers of a High-Protein Diet Revealed/A Step-by-Step Plan to Prevent, Treat, and Reverse Inflammation - the Leading Cause of Heart Disease and Related Conditions
A simple, step-by-step plan to prevent treat and reverse inflammation, the leading cause of heart disease and related conditionsj
Inflammafion, or chronic arterial swelling, is the underlying problem in heart disease and a host of other immune system conditions. In Sfop Inflammafion Now! Dr. Richard Fleming, a nuclear cardiologist and research scientist, proves that:
Cholesterol levels ore not good indicators of heart disease. In fact, half of oil heart attacks and strokes in the United States happen among healthy middle-aged people with normal cholesterol readings.
Inflammation is the leading cause of heart disease, and of diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and other disorders.
Until now, tens of millions of people have been unaware of their risk for developing inflammatory disease.
With the Fleming Program, a simple, step-by-step plan, inflammation is treatable, and for those at risk, preventable.
Thousandsofpeople have been successfully treated for inflammatory conditions v/ith...
A simple, step-by-step plan to prevent treat and reverse inflammation, the leading cause of heart disease and related conditionsj
Inflammafion, or chronic arterial swelling, is the underlying problem in heart disease and a host of other immune system conditions. In Sfop Inflammafion Now! Dr. Richard Fleming, a nuclear cardiologist and research scientist, proves that:
Cholesterol levels ore not good indicators of heart disease. In fact, half of oil heart attacks and strokes in the United States happen among healthy middle-aged people with normal cholesterol readings.
Inflammation is the leading cause of heart disease, and of diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and other disorders.
Until now, tens of millions of people have been unaware of their risk for developing inflammatory disease.
With the Fleming Program, a simple, step-by-step plan, inflammation is treatable, and for those at risk, preventable.
Thousandsofpeople have been successfully treated for inflammatory conditions v/ith the Fleming Program. Now you can have the key to a long and happy heart-healthy life.
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