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Stephan Schiffman's Telemarketing

America's #1 Corporate Sales Trainer Shows You How To Boost Your Phone Sales


Kiadó: Bob Adams, Inc. Publishers
Kiadás helye: Holbrook
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Ragasztott papírkötés
Oldalszám: 184 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 23 cm x 15 cm
ISBN: 1-55850-130-4
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

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A beállítást mentettük,
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The best way to stand out from all the other telemarketers is to make telemarketing calls you wouldn't mind receiving yourself. The two most common types of telemarketing calls are made by a) the high-pressure, low-sincerity gab artists who sound like what they Ve selüng is-or should be-illegal, and b) the robot who reads from a script word-for-word, and can't handlé unforeseen questions like "What color does that come in?" Let's face it. People are tired of both approaches. Stephan Schiffman s Telemarketing shows you how to develop a professional telemarketing image that will allow you to stand out from the pack instantly. It telis you what to do when the prospect says "We already have that," "Fm not interested," or "Fm too busy right now." And it even offers advice on setting appointments-rather than closing sales-by phone. You'll alsó learn how to use emotion-packed words that win interest-and sales; the best times to reach decision-makers in specific industries and occupations... Tovább


The best way to stand out from all the other telemarketers is to make telemarketing calls you wouldn't mind receiving yourself. The two most common types of telemarketing calls are made by a) the high-pressure, low-sincerity gab artists who sound like what they Ve selüng is-or should be-illegal, and b) the robot who reads from a script word-for-word, and can't handlé unforeseen questions like "What color does that come in?" Let's face it. People are tired of both approaches. Stephan Schiffman s Telemarketing shows you how to develop a professional telemarketing image that will allow you to stand out from the pack instantly. It telis you what to do when the prospect says "We already have that," "Fm not interested," or "Fm too busy right now." And it even offers advice on setting appointments-rather than closing sales-by phone. You'll alsó learn how to use emotion-packed words that win interest-and sales; the best times to reach decision-makers in specific industries and occupations (try between nine and eleven a.m. for dentists); how to handlé secretaries; and much, much more! Stephan Schiffman has trained over 250,000 salespeople at firms such as Airborne Express, AT&T Information Systems, Chemical Bank, Manufacturers Hanover Trust, Motorola, Prudential-Bache, Smith Barney, and U.S. Healthcare. Mr. Schiffman, president of DEI Management Group, is the author of Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Work!), The 25 Most Common Sales Mistakes-and How to Avoid Them, and The 25 Sales Habits ofHighly Successful Salespeople. He lives in the New York City area. Vissza



Stephan Schiffman

Stephan Schiffman műveinek az Antikvarium.hu-n kapható vagy előjegyezhető listáját itt tekintheti meg: Stephan Schiffman könyvek, művek
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