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Springboard Diving (dedikált példány)


New York
Kiadó: The Ronald Press Company
Kiadás helye: New York
Kiadás éve:
Kötés típusa: Varrott keménykötés
Oldalszám: 154 oldal
Nyelv: Angol  
Méret: 25 cm x 17 cm
Megjegyzés: Phil Moriarty szerző által dedikált példány. Fekete-fehér fotókkal, ábrákkal illusztrált.
Értesítőt kérek a kiadóról

A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss
A beállítást mentettük,
naponta értesítjük a beérkező friss


Here is a book on diving written by a fore-
most U. S. Coach who has had some thirty
years' experience in training divers of all
degrees of experience. He employs a
unique approach which should assure rapid
development* Because he believes training
the eye to observe a dive properly is a basic
part of learning to dive, this book features
a photograph series of twelve dives, dem-
onstrated by Bob Clotworthy, 1956 Olympic
Games Gold Medalist for Springboard Div-
ing, Each series consists of twenty photo-
graphs so arranged that they can be rapidly
flipped by hand to give an accurate picture
of the dive in action*
For those who want to learn how to dive
or to improve diving skills this book is an
invaluable guide. It assumes no previous
knowledge of the sport. It defines terms
carefully and deals in a thoroughly prac-
tical fashion with difficulties which every
beginner and many an expert face. Through
descriptive explanations and through the
Flip Sequence... Tovább


Here is a book on diving written by a fore-
most U. S. Coach who has had some thirty
years' experience in training divers of all
degrees of experience. He employs a
unique approach which should assure rapid
development* Because he believes training
the eye to observe a dive properly is a basic
part of learning to dive, this book features
a photograph series of twelve dives, dem-
onstrated by Bob Clotworthy, 1956 Olympic
Games Gold Medalist for Springboard Div-
ing, Each series consists of twenty photo-
graphs so arranged that they can be rapidly
flipped by hand to give an accurate picture
of the dive in action*
For those who want to learn how to dive
or to improve diving skills this book is an
invaluable guide. It assumes no previous
knowledge of the sport. It defines terms
carefully and deals in a thoroughly prac-
tical fashion with difficulties which every
beginner and many an expert face. Through
descriptive explanations and through the
Flip Sequence Photos it covers the many
integrated movements a diver must execute
to perform each dive correctly. It will go a
long way toward filling the need of the
individual diver as well as of high school,
college, and club coaches for a sound, ac-
curate, and profusely illustrated book to
supplement pool instruction.
PHIL MORIARTY has been giving instruction in
diving for nearly thirty years. Most of this tiryie
has been spent at Yale University, where for
many years he was associated with that great
figure in the world of swimming, Robert J. H.
Kiphuth. In 1959 Phil Moriarty became Yale's
Head Swimming and Diving Coach, He has had
many notable coaching successes, one of the
most outstanding being Skippy Browning, whom
he trained for the 1952 Olympic Games. Skippy
went on to win the Gold Medal for Springboard
Diving that year.
But Phil Moriarty has had as much success in
his handling of novices as he has had with the
champions. A former diver himself, he has an
instinctive feel and understanding for the begin-
ner in the sport.
Among his many activities in diving and swim-
ming, he is Chairman of the Swimming Rules
Committee of the National Collegiate Athletic
Association and Chairman of the Swimming
Records Committee of the National Amateur
Athletic Union. He is also President of the Con-
necticut Amateur Athletic Union, Vissza


Megvásárolható példányok
Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány) Springboard Diving (dedikált példány)

A védőborító kissé kopottas, hiányos, belső oldalán javított. A borító sarkai kopottak, néhány lap foltos, pár oldalán jelölés látható.

Az előzéklapon a szerző, Phil Moriarty angol nyelvű dedikációja látható.

18.000 ,-Ft
90 pont kapható